Why do people believe weird things?
I think the reason folks believe so easily in conspiracy “theories” is because history so readily proves reason to be suspicious of government! I used to give the benefit of the doubt. Now, well, like government treats its own US citizens, guilty until proven innocent. (ever been audited?)
There is much controversey regarding the 9/11 investigations. And gov’t officials don’t seem interested in continuing research pertaining to the worst “war” crime against the US in history. If there is nothing to hide, then continue the investigations!!!
Cloned farm animals have been approved by the FDA as “safe” for human consumption (when there is NO reason to be cloning farm animals to begin with. There is NO shortage of healthy meat and the FDA’s own studies along with many others show LOTS of issues with cloned animals) Genetic seeds by US companies are being forced down the throats of other countries (read Censored 2008) and devestating their farming communities! We’ve had dangerous genetic crops, i.e. Roundup ready corn, for quite a while. Our gov’t is allowing us to EAT poison, why shouldn’t we believe they are spraying it in the air now as well?
The FDA allows us to be used as guinea pigs. They protect big drug companies and food companies all the time.
I could go on and on…WHY do we believe in such conspiracy theories??? PLEASE…..Give us reason NOT to.
(this site has given me pause, though….THANK YOU. I don’t WANT to believe such horrendous acts are being taken by gov’t against its own citizens!!)
I came upon this just recently when I began researching information regarding Morgellons because a friend of mine’s sister has it! I read about it first about 5 years ago before it had a “name”…
To NOT acknowledge that possibly something is being released into our air…and a connection to this bizarre affliction is absurd. ALL possibilites should be considered.
Have you read the patent for HAARP? U. S. Patent 4,686,605. and the FAQ athttp://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/faq.html
Be warned there is a disclaimer at the HAARP website advising you that you are on gov’t property and will be watched! The day after I was on that site I got a message from my McAfee that a program was trying to download to intercept and redirect my computer data! And I should NOT be suspicious of the gov’t????!!!!
You’ve got a live one here, my friend. Can’t wait to get a response!
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