
Artūrs Oreškins summer2014 - Left Behinds.5

Sometimes I am asking myself, why I am doing this? Why I need it? Is it the right way..? Only after this summer - when my whole life has changed I realise, that Life can be a bi*ch! And .. I am tired to think that tomarrow will be easier, I am tired to see every day the same...How many times I have fallen, but havve always gotten up. But it's not the end.. I become only stronger.


Paris Blohm feat.Taylr Renee Savagez - Left Behinds

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Komentāri 5


super ! un ja taa padomaa cik daudz jaakriit un jaasitaas liidz veelamajiem rezultaatiem ...

4 0 atbildēt

Sākumā, likās, ka būs so/so, bet beigās tāds WTF emotion zbis pluss no manis.

2 0 atbildēt
Zaibis vec!! Tik sākumā nah anglisk rakst,tas jau nav vairs stilīgemotion
2 0 atbildēt

kur tu trennējies ? Nesaki ka zālē turpat emotion 

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