
Čalis No KoRn pie Dieva...12

72 8

Bish izmainīja savu dzīvi, bet nebij jau slikta .. emotion  emotion

Ir OK. Man patiik nezzzz. kaa jums?? emotion

Sry angliski..emotion

On March 10, 2005, Welch was baptized in the Jordan River[8] with a group of believers [9] hailing from Bakersfield, California. He has declared that he has rid himself of all drugs in his "own personal rehab" with God, in which he had checked into a hotel room and sat in his bed for hours.

Welch and Jonathan Davis have attacked each other in the media since the former's departure. After he said that Davis and the rest of Korn care only about money, Davis responded in kind, opening a rift between them that have been resolved. Once in an interview with Beliefnet.com in which Welch was asked about his book and Korn's reaction to the book and the attacks in the media he made earlier at the band:


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Njā, mani pat tajā video ar digitālo var redzēt un sagadījās tā, ka dabūju tā bundzinieka drumsticku, kuru vēlāk tas parakstīja. :D

5 0 atbildēt

wow, what a newsflash......

1 0 atbildēt

tieši korn klausos. :D

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Tas i no wikipedia?

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lielaakaa dalja..emotion

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@freezer41 dzīve bija slikta gan. Citēšu no viņa autobiogrāfijasi: «I didn't understand how a person who had everything he wanted could be so unhappy.» un «(...)Part of me wanted to get cleaned up, but another part of me wanted to die from drug overdose.»

Lūk tā.

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vēl neko vecāku jau nevarēji izrakt ne?


bet kāda atšķirība vai palika viņš korn vai nē? tik un tā tagad veido Pop dziesmas mazajiem MTV pop faniem kā to dara Korn

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Jā, šito nesen lasīju. Man liels prieks par viņu. emotion

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Neatbalstu dievu,bet ja nu viņam tas palīdzēja atmest,tad tikai prieks :)

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4alim galiigi aizveeraas...

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eeeeeee ej dirst

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