
Preikš Krutajiem ''Gankstāām" un parastiem cilv8

25 1
Kas labāks?
a)Kaušanās un slepkavošana?
b)Vardarbība , rasisms ?

izlemjiet paši..

is a company dedicated to helping promote the actual Krump Kings and share their talent and art form with the world. We realize that, when looking at urban culture, many tend to think about the ruff gangsta’ image, lots of violence, profanity & guns. That is not what the Krump Kings represent. As you will see, violence & profanity do not represent our work. Talent, in its raw state, as is found on the streets everyday, is more entertaining, inspiring and fascinating than the stigmatic violent urban culture that has been portrayed over & over again. There can be struggle & battle without violence, as you will see in the KRUMP world, there can be drama without guns and there can be comedy without putting anyone else down. If you don’t believe us, just stay tuned.

We have met incredible rappers who cannot write, we have met incredible singers and dancers who’s work has changed the music & dance scene, but who never received any recognition. Krump Kings inc has supported and will continue to support these talented individuals. Join us in the forum and register with us to help support this movement that has one clear goal; to deliver the following message to the youth and the world;

1. issues can be resolved through non-violence
2. don’t betray who you are just to be cool, stay true to your heart
3. creative arts are non-prejudicial and non-racial. That is how life should be.

no www.krumpkings.com

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Komentāri 8

tā resnā riktīg blieza uz deju grīdas :D
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vo vo labi sanaaca :))
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Priekšmanis partraku. laikam vecs palieku.
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krutajiem vai aakstiem !?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!
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korkodil - tu esi axts ! tikai tādēļ ta tev labāk patīk mājas sēdēt pie kompja tas nenozīme ka tev jaaizvaino citi cilvēki. p.s tavs "?!!?!??!?!?!" atgādina man 12 gadīgu sīko... taka neķer kreņķi un atīsties
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nezinu man vinji atgādina nedudz animal planet, bet katram jau savs
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Lūk pierādījums, ka cilvēki cēlušies no mērkaķiem.
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cik nu no pierādijuma ..vienīgais pierādijums ir tas ka leilākā daļa letviešu tatutas naw pietiekami izglītota , gatava pārmaiņām ka šeit parāditos citu tautību/rasu cilvēki
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