
Guitar Center’s Drum-Off 2009 Champion – Ramon Sampson5

18 0

 Ramon Sampson, 18, has reached the Grand Finals of the Guitar Center Drum Off 2008 in Los Angeles.

The contest will be held Jan. 10.

When Andria Lisle wrote about Ramon the other day, I thought he was a good story, another example of the city's hidden talent. An excerpt:

Recalling his Nashville performance, Sampson touches the drum key that hangs like a pendant from a chain around his neck, and says, "My idea was to make the drums speak, to get the people in the audience to vibe off what I'm doing. My goal was to impact their lives."

Here's video of that performance in the District final:

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Šitais čalis laikam pie Godmaņa mācijies :)

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kaimijus laikam biezi trobele :)

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Malacis džekiņš, man patika :)

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damn, hīz got sam kūl skils.

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nekas ūbermegakruts nelikās.. bet tā jau čalim kkāds skills ir..

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