
Neķītrais izvirtulis - Le Bagman!93

43 27

Nu iespeejams esmu naiva vai kaa savaadak, bet nu tizla gan neesmu. Atmaskoju Le Bagman. Patiesiiba vinjsh ir perverss! Sheit iekopeeju tikai dalju no tiem visiem meesliem ko vinjsh man sarakstiija.
Viss iesaakas tik vienkaarshi..taa ka esmu sheit nesen- vnk izdomaaju kaadam aizrakstiit :) lai pakaveetu laiku ar kaadu sarakstoties. Mana izveele krita uz Le Bagman. Skjita skjietami normaals un sakariigs dzjeks.. Bet turpinot sarakstiities atklaju pavisam ko citu! Vins ir perverss! un lasot saraksti nedomaajiet ka es tieshaam esmu tik naiva! vnk es teeloju naivo lai nestu vinju cauri! viss saakas ar to- ka saakam nevainiigu saraksti un nonaacaam lidz virtualajam sexam. Taalak jau apmainijamies ar skype nickiem un turpinaajam saraksti.

Sawliite16 rakstīja: chawinja ;) ko daries?
Le Bangman rakstīja: Čav, neko īpašu. kāpēc man atrakstīji?
Sawliite16 rakstīja: tapatas :) kaa ietinjas? es sheit esmu sameeraa neilgi. Gribeejaas ar kaadu pacatot privaati.
Le Bangman rakstīja: privāti? interesanti. vēlies sexu?
Sawliite16 rakstīja: ?????
Le Bangman rakstīja: To prasu.
Sawliite16 rakstīja: kaapeec uzreiz gribu sexu?? es tikai gribeeju ar kaadu normaali pacatot. a tu jau uzreiz ar sexu.
Le Bangman rakstīja: tev nepatīk sex?
Le Bangman rakstīja: Neesi nekad neko dzirdējusi par virtualo?
Sawliite16 rakstīja: kaadu veel virtuaaljo? :)
Le Bangman rakstīja: virtuālo sexu
Sawliite16 rakstīja: es laikam esmu dziives nepieredzeejusi bet neko par taadu nezinu. man nesen ievilka internetu tapec ari mosk nezinu neko par taadu.
Le Bangman rakstīja: Viss vienkārši!

[09:41:17] bodzs2 says: nu tad beidzot ienāci te…
[09:41:22] laura529 says: tewi bija gruuti atrast :D (lick)
[09:41:29] bodzs2 says: skaidrs, sapratu XD
[09:41:49] bodzs2 says: vispār- labrīt..
[09:41:57] laura529 says: nu tad apgaismo mani luudzu ar to virtuālo kas un kaa. Ja kas piedod manu nezinaatiibu
[09:42:02] laura529 says: labrīt labrīt :) :) :) :)
[09:42:34] bodzs2 says: ā..nu.. tas ir sex, kurā viss notiek virtuāli :D nu tjipa – es laizu tavas krūtis u.t.t.
[09:43:07] bodzs2 says: tiešām neesi neko dzirdējusi par tādu lietu?
[09:43:54] laura529 says: nea.. laikam tomeer esmu atpalikusi laukje :(
[09:43:59] laura529 says: ko dari tagad?
[09:44:06] laura529 says: nu pastaasti kaut ko tachu
[09:44:41] bodzs2 says: PSC! tiešām nekad neko neko neesi dzirdējusi??
[09:45:41] bodzs2 says: Virtuālais sekss ir saruna internetā par seksu, kurā katrs rakstītājs ieņem noteiktu lomu virtuālās mīlas saspēlē.
[09:48:44] bodzs2 says: negribi pamēģināt?
[09:49:09] laura529 says: ooo…tu gan gudri runaa :D:D (lick)
[09:49:15] laura529 says: tu saac..es paskatīšos no saakuma
[09:49:21] laura529 says: tas buss tikai virtuāli ja?
[09:49:30] laura529 says: nu…?
[09:49:32] bodzs2 says: : tā.. mēs atrodamies divi vienā istabā.. es pieeju pie tevis, un noskūpstu tevi
[09:49:41] bodzs2 says: sāku tevi glāstīt
[09:49:52] bodzs2 says: tu baudā kunksti
[09:50:47] bodzs2 says: mēs apguļamies gultā…
[09:53:47] laura529 says: : PAGAIDIII!!!!
[09:53:49] laura529 says: fuuu..tagad zinu kas ir virtuālais..neturpinaam! tas ir pretīgi! [09:53:56 bodzs2 says: bāc! tu gan esi naiva!
[09:54:04] laura529 says: es naiva?? :@
[09:54:19] bodzs2 says: aha! nekas taču mums nenotiks!
[09:54:57] bodzs2 says: tev ir web kamera?
[09:55:14] laura529 says: jap (lick)
[09:55:17] laura529 says: bet man nav miiic. :(
[09:55:22] laura529 says: a tev ira web kamera :) ??
[09:55:29] bodzs2 says: protams, ka ir. Negribi parādīt savu sejiņu?
[09:56:07] bodzs2 says: tas mums tikai palīdzēs :) es pārādīšu tev ne tik to vien… [09:56:29] laura529 says: ko tu domaa – ar to- ne tik to vien?
[09:56:32] laura529 says: alooo!? tu weel esi sheit?
[09:56:33] laura529 says: kukuuu
[09:56:33] bodzs2 says: esmu šeit..pārģērbos
[09:56:34] laura529 says: uuuuuu
[09:56:37] bodzs2 says: nu tad parādīsi savu sejiņu?
[09:56:42] bodzs2 says: :*
[09:56:46] laura529 says: tu pirmais
[09:56:54] laura529 says: a ko tu domāji ar to – ne tik to vien?
[09:56:57] laura529 says: ew?
[09:56:58] laura529 says: kukuuu?
[09:57:06] bodzs2 says: nju labi! Pati uzprasījies :)
[09:57:18] bodzs2 says: piezvani tad redzēsi ko es ar to domāju
[09:57:45] laura529 says: es jau tew zwanuu
[09:58:50] laura529 says: kur tu paliki? pacel tachu!?

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VictimX_27: Hi there! cheesedog: HEYA! VictimX_27: What u up 2? cheesedog: Nice English. cheesedog: Did you learn that on the short bus? VictimX_27: Get fucked cheesedog: I'm just joking relax cheesedog: What's your name? VictimX_27: Whats yours? cheesedog: I asked you first. VictimX_27: I asked you second cheesedog: Did I time just warp to middle school? VictimX_27: huh cheesedog: Never mind. My name is Johnny cheesedog: Johnny Cheesedog VictimX_27: Thats not your real name cheesedog: Why isn't that my real name? VictimX_27: No one has the name Cheesedog as a last name cheesedog: Well I do. Whats wrong with it? VictimX_27: Nothin i suppose VictimX_27: Is that your real pic in that av? cheesedog: Yes it is VictimX_27: Very handsome cheesedog: Thanks VictimX_27: You kinda look like eminem cheesedog: Fuck you. VictimX_27: HEY! I meant that in a good way VictimX_27: I think eminem is hot! cheesedog: Oh. You think I'm hot? VictimX_27: Yeah cheesedog: What do you look like? cheesedog: Do you have a pic? VictimX_27: I don't show my picture to anyone cheesedog: Why not? VictimX_27: Cause I'm ugly cheesedog: I won't make fun of you VictimX_27: Its not that. I just don't like my looks cheesedog: So you have no self-esteem, huh? cheesedog: Is that what you're saying? VictimX_27: I just don't think I'm pretty cheesedog: Let me be the judge of that. VictimX_27: Nahhh cheesedog: Then describe yourself. VictimX_27: Why do u wanna know what I look like? cheesedog: Because I think you're nice cheesedog: I want to picture you in my head while I'm talking to you. VictimX_27: LMAO!! You don't want 2 picture me. Trust me cheesedog: Why not? VictimX_27: I told you. I'm ugly. cheesedog: Well... I think you're beautiful on the inside. VictimX_27: You don't even know me cheesedog: I'm a pretty good judge of character VictimX_27: Then why do u need 2 see me? cheesedog: I just wanted to know thats all cheesedog: If you aren't comfortable with it... thats fine. VictimX_27: You don't understand cheesedog: Is it that bad? VictimX_27: YESSSSS cheesedog: Ok then. I'm gonna picture you as Weezy from the Jeffersons. cheesedog: She is the bomb! cheesedog: She makes me hot just thinking about her! VictimX_27: Wheezy? cheesedog: Yep. Weezy. VictimX_27: Who is that? cheesedog: George's wife. VictimX_27: Who is george cheesedog: George Jefferson. From the Jeffersons. cheesedog: Are you fucking deaf? VictimX_27: Who are the Jeffersons? cheesedog: Oh lord. Here we go VictimX_27: wut? cheesedog: You don't know who the Jeffersons are? VictimX_27: Should I? cheesedog: Yes. VictimX_27: Well I don't. cheesedog: FISH DONT FRY IN THE KITCHEN! BEANS DONT BURN ON THE GREEEELL... VictimX_27: huhhh? cheesedog: TOOK A WHOOOOLE LOTTA LU UH VINNNN. JUST TO GET UP THAT HEEEELL VictimX_27: Wut the hell are you saying? cheesedog: Hold on a second cheesedog: Here you go. *PIC* VictimX_27: Thats her? cheesedog: Yep VictimX_27: I don't look anything like that cheesedog: SHUT UP! You're ruining my fantasy! VictimX_27: LOL. You're funny. cheesedog: What's funny? VictimX_27: u r cheesedog: I'm glad I entertain you VictimX_27: me 2 cheesedog: So if you don't look like Weezy, what do you look like? VictimX_27: u don't give up do u? cheesedog: Never VictimX_27: I'm the exact opposite of her cheesedog: ??? VictimX_27: I'm very white cheesedog: Thats cool, my white anti-soul sista' VictimX_27: LOL cheesedog: I can dig white chicks too, I guess. VictimX_27: I'm whiter than most cheesedog: really? VictimX_27: I'm an albino cheesedog: a what? VictimX_27: u don't know what that is? cheesedog: I've heard the word before VictimX_27: I have no pigment in my skin, eyes or hair VictimX_27: So I'm all white cheesedog: This is bullshit VictimX_27: I'm serious! VictimX_27: You've never seen an albino before? cheesedog: No. Where do they live? Albinia? VictimX_27: No, we live all over. cheesedog: Then how come I've never seen any VictimX_27: Lucky I suppose cheesedog: Send me your picture. I wanna know what an albino looks like. VictimX_27: I'll send you a picture of one but not me cheesedog: Ok VictimX_27: Here u go *PIC* cheesedog: Whoa. Thats freaky VictimX_27: See why I don't send my picture out? cheesedog: there's nothing wrong with it. cheesedog: It doesn't make you ugly cheesedog: This chick is kind of hot actually. VictimX_27: Thank u cheesedog: No problem cheesedog: Her, not you. I don't know what you look like. VictimX_27: Are you gonna be on in 3 hours? cheesedog: Yes VictimX_27: I have to go to the mall with my sister VictimX_27: Will you be here when I get back? cheesedog: S ure. Then I'll sex you up. VictimX_27: Gee thanks. LOL cheesedog: I'm serious VictimX_27: We'll see. cheesedog: Yes we will. VictimX_27: Bye for now! cheesedog: Make sure you wear some sunscreen. VictimX_27: <USER HAS LOGGED OUT> About 3 hours later... VictimX_27: HEY! cheesedog: Hello there VictimX_27: I'm back cheesedog: Have fun at the mall? VictimX_27: Yeah. I got some new shoes cheesedog: Interesting VictimX_27: Not really. Just shoes cheesedog: You ready to be sexed up now? VictimX_27: LOL cheesedog: Is that a yes? VictimX_27: Could be VictimX_27: cheesedog: HOT DAMN! cheesedog: I gently suck your nipples cheesedog: I feel them get hard then I jam my hand down your.. VictimX_27: WOAH! Slow down cowboy cheesedog: Why? VictimX_27: I'm not just gonna cyber with you if thats all you want cheesedog: What do you mean? VictimX_27: You're not going to ignore me later are you? cheesedog: Of course not. cheesedog: I like you. VictimX_27: I don't even know how old you are. cheesedog: I'm 27. Now.... cheesedog: I gently massage your breasts with my rough hands cheesedog: I roll your nipples between my fingers VictimX_27: WAIT! cheesedog: They get hard again... what? VictimX_27: Don't you wanna know anything about me first? VictimX_27: Like what I like? cheesedog: Oh yeah. Sure. Hurry up. VictimX_27: That didn't sound convincing. cheesedog: YES I WANNA KNOW WHAT YOU LIKE RIGHT NOW!!! VictimX_27: Now u r being a smartass VictimX_27: Just give me a minute cheesedog: ok VictimX_27: I'm back cheesedog: np VictimX_27: thank you cheesedog: So what do you like? VictimX_27: Ummmm being licked cheesedog: Where? VictimX_27: Everywhere cheesedog: Any place in particular? VictimX_27: uhhh yeah cheesedog: tell me VictimX_27: on my clit cheesedog: OK! cheesedog: NOW YOU'RE TALKIN! VictimX_27: I also like being done from behind cheesedog: Ooooooohhhh. cheesedog: Ok. Check this out. cheesedog: We're in an abandoned building. cheesedog: No is around. Its all quiet. VictimX_27: Uh huh cheesedog: I gently unbutton your pants and slide my hand across your clit cheesedog: You get all warm and juicy. cheesedog: I slip your panties down and continue to massage your pussy VictimX_27: oooohh mmmm cheesedog: I place my mouth on your pussy as I eat you from behind cheesedog: I wiggle my tounge around across your moist hole VictimX_27: yessss cheesedog: I cover your ears with my hands as I eat you. cheesedog: Egon and Ray sneak in from the back. cheesedog: *Powering up Proton packs* VictimX_27: ??? cheesedog: Then... Egon BLASTS your pasty white ass!! cheesedog: POW!! BZZZZZTTTTTPHTTTTTT!!! cheesedog: Winston and Peter set up the containment trap.... VictimX_27: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT!!! cheesedog: You wiggle around in the proton streams buck naked cheesedog: The streams almost cross! Look out!! cheesedog: Peter smacks you across the chin with his gun cheesedog: They open the trap and it sucks your pale ass in! VictimX_27: This isn't funny johnny! cheesedog: SHUT UP! YOUR CAUGHT! cheesedog: **puts you in the containment area** cheesedog: Slimer is in there too.. VictimX_27: YOU ARE A FUCKING ASSHOLE! cheesedog: I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP! cheesedog: Now...Slimer sticks his green, slimey cock in your pigmentless ass. cheesedog: **HE SLIMES YOU!** VictimX_27: Never talk to me again! cheesedog: He cums all over your hair... but no one notices cause its the same color VictimX_27: FUCK YOUUUU cheesedog: He eats a powdered donut! VictimX_27: SHUT UP AND FUCK YOUUUU!!!!! cheesedog: o wait! It was your hand, you scary, white whore! VictimX_27: LEAVE ME ALONE!!! cheesedog: Chill out, Casper. You're trapped, I said. cheesedog: Slimer goes to lick your clit. cheesedog: But there is already slime on your it!! cheesedog: Slimer thinks you are a cheater and gets jealous!! cheesedog: HE RIPS YOUR WHITE TITS OFF! VictimX_27: FUCK YOU!!!!!!!! cheesedog: **Plays volleyball with them** VictimX_27: <USER HAS LOGGED OUT>
4 0 atbildēt
Skiet, ka sawliite atbilst visiem negatīvajiem tautas steriotipiem par blondīnēm.
4 0 atbildēt

AHahahhaha.. xDDDDDDDDDD

Šeit smir pēc virtuālā sūda.. ;D

4 0 atbildēt
ja tik ljoi nepatiktu virtuaalais, tad jau aizmuktu pirmajaas sekundees :D :D
4 0 atbildēt
Tik garlaicigu chatu savu muzu neesmu lasijusi. Tie kas sheit saskata kko perversu lkm klosteri dzivo. Le Bagman normals chalis. Ja vinsh gribetu chatot piem. par tuvakajam izpardoshanam tad gan kkas nebutu kartiba. Tie kas sakuma nolika Grebi - Ja godigi, meichai taisniba. Pietam varu daret ka puse no shejienes vismaz reizi muza ir kadu nesushi cauri skypa shitada veida. Un ja kas tad telot naivo ir stulbi un garlaicigi. Reti kad kkas smiekligs no ta iznak.
3 0 atbildēt
:D :D damn u suck
3 0 atbildēt
:D Taa notiek arii Latvijaa.. :D :D
3 0 atbildēt
sauliit, īstenībā varēji neteikt, ka tev ir 19 (:
3 0 atbildēt
nu un kas te tik ļoti perverss?
2 0 atbildēt
ja kas te raxtiija vinja bralis !
3 1 atbildēt
Viņu patiesībā sauc Andrejs, un viņam ir ap 40
2 0 atbildēt
nu tak atslaabstiet... ! gan jau pajokoja ! iisteniibaa taa mei4a pati vainiiga, ka neseko am ka dod skaipus utt...! Man liekas, ka tas ir nevainiigs jox ! P.S. es ar draugiem kad esam kopaa taisam liidziigus jokus, bet neviens no mums nav ar noslieceem! tas ir vienk normaali ! a ja nepatiik, tad nav ko tad mekleet caur I-netu draugus !
3 1 atbildēt
Bangman izvirtis pedofīls, man shoks!
2 0 atbildēt
nu baac! vinja pati piekrita sarakstiities skaipaa un tagad vēl kaut ko pīkst.. emotion emotion
2 0 atbildēt
ah shas ielikshu dazus PRO virtualos chatinus lai pashausminaties veel :D bet tie smiekligie
2 0 atbildēt
nu normāl emotion
2 0 atbildēt
pff. nu a kas tad tur ir? es isti domu nesapratu. zini, man liekas, ka uzprasijies. no kurienes tadi cilveki..?
2 0 atbildēt
Ai ai..Le Bagman- redz kas tik neatklājas...
2 0 atbildēt
VictimX_27: I'm an albino cheesedog: a what? VictimX_27: u don't know what that is? cheesedog: I've heard the word before VictimX_27: I have no pigment in my skin, eyes or hair VictimX_27: So I'm all white cheesedog: This is bullshit VictimX_27: I'm serious! VictimX_27: You've never seen an albino before? cheesedog: No. Where do they live? Albinia? HAHA... tās beigas bija tik smieklīgas...////
1 0 atbildēt
rakstiju uzreiz pec ta kad biju pamodusies no miega. Lkm aizmigu jo apnika meklet sheit kko perversu. Sawliite neticu ka tev ir 19. Neviena 19 gadiga meitene neshaisminatos par shadu chatu, kur nu vel telotu naivo kazu. Pietam tavs rakstishanas veids ari par kko liecina. Tie tizlei w un iii
1 0 atbildēt
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