Tākā šis ir mans pirmais raksts, lūdzu nerasktiet aizskarošus komentārus.
Ceru ka kaut kas šāds nav bijis, vismaz meklētājā neatradu.
Šis stāsts ir par meitene kura 3 dienas pēc šī video uzņemšanas izdarīja pašnāvību. Viņa bija skaista nesaprotu kāpēc viņai tas bija jādara.
Un angļu valoda nav mana stirpā puse, tāpēc tulkojiet paši.
Meet Jade. She killed herself three days after making this video.. and she was so pretty.
Teenage suicide accounts for 31,000 suicides a year in the U.S, making it the 3rd leading cause of suicide. Worldwide, nearly one million people commit suicide every year.. more than those murdered or killed in war.
Think before you say something hurtful to someone else. It may look like they’re okay, but they’re not. Words are more powerful than you think.
everytime this is on my dash i reblog this, she is absolutely gorgeous and did not deserve the shit she got - makes me realize how many dicks there actually is out there.