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Mani testi:

Tests: Antīkā pasaule I

Tests: Viduslaiku pasaule I


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kadafi nebija diktators, viņš bija autoritāte un īsts goda vīrs, viens no labākajiem līderiem kādu pasaule jebkad ir redzējusi 

It is important to note that under Gaddafi’s reign, education and medical treatment was free for all citizens and if any citizen could not get the desired education or sufficient medical treatment inside Libya, that citizen was funded to go abroad.

Gaddafi is credited with building the largest irrigation system in the world which made water available to all Libyans across the country. He called it “the eighth wonder of the world”.

When a Libyan citizen wanted to venture into agri-business, all the production inputs were provided by the state, free of charge, and on top of that a house and farmland would also be given free of charge.

When a Libyan woman gave birth she was given $5 000 (US Dollars) for herself and her child. When a citizen bought a car, it was subsidised with 50% of the vehicle’s purchase price.

If someone completed a tertiary course and graduated, but failed to find suitable employment, the state would pay the average salary of the profession until employment was found.

A portion of Libya’s oil sales was credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens, as a form of dividend and for 40 loaves of bread, one would only pay the equivalent of 15 US cents. Electricity was free in Libya, which meant no electricity bills.

Newlyweds in Libya were given a $50 000 (US Dollars) gift.

Petrol was cheap in Libya at 0,14 (US Dollars) per litre.

Before his reign, the level of education was low, as only 25% of Libyans were literate and under his reign the literacy level increased to 87% and 25% of the total population had university degrees.

Libya was the only country in the world to have its own state-owned bank, which gave its citizens easy access to loans with zero interest. And the country had no external debt.

19 0 atbildēt
I avatarsI

Labs ir, bet nu daži mazliet savādāki palikuši atmiņā, bez cepures emotion citas formas ūsām un vēl vecums utt lai gan citos jautājumos ir tik murgaini vārdi atbilžu variantos, ka vienīgais sakarīgais arī ir atbilde.

13 0 atbildēt

5/20  emotion 

7 0 atbildēt

50% (10 no 20)  emotion 

7 0 atbildēt

45% (9 no 20):Eh, nu lab!


6 0 atbildēt

Domāju ka baigais umņiks,bet izrādās tups kā  emotion zābaks 35%  ++ Vairāk tādus testiņus!It sevišķi Ļeņinu nosaucu par Breivīku,lai gan abus esmu redzējis bildēsemotion...

6 0 atbildēt

Franko zinu, bet viņa vārdu nezināju, tas pa kimu.

labs tests.

6 0 atbildēt

18/20, esmu diezgan labs diktatoru pazinējs.

Ļeņinam jaunībā riktīgi lien ārā tatāra vai kā tamlīdzīga iezīmes emotion

4 0 atbildēt

75% tikai, maz. Tos mellos neatpazinu emotion

4 0 atbildēt

11/20 emotion  emotion Varēja labāk, bet ir O.K.

4 0 atbildēt

Ot būtu medaļ, Skaistuls, ta būtu tēma !!!

3 0 atbildēt

Vairākām personām šeit minēti kļūdaini vārdi to starp pie agrīnajiem foto lietoti pseidonīmi kuru uz minētā attēla periodu viņiem vēl nebija. Un konkrēti, Josifs Visarionovičs Džugašvili, pseidonīmu Staļins pieņem pirmās apcietināšanas laikā un izsūtījumā. Vladimirs Iļjičs Uļjanovs, pseidonīmu Ļeņis sāk izmantot atrodoties emigrācijā ar to parakstot savas publikācijas boļševiku laikrakstā ''Iskra'' un citur. Ādolfs Šiklgrūbers savas mātes uzvārdu Hidler. Tā pat arī pilnā vārdā Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz.

3 0 atbildēt

95% (19 no 20) Malacs!, izpildes laiks: 00:02:10

2 0 atbildēt

80% (16 no 20) Skaistuls!, izpildes laiks: 00:03:37

2 0 atbildēt
Beigās bija Bašārs. Lielisks prezidents
2 0 atbildēt


2 0 atbildēt

75% (15 no 20) Labs ir!, izpildes laiks: 00:02:45


2 0 atbildēt

85% (17 no 20) Skaistuls!, izpildes laiks: 00:02:55

Gandrīz emotion

2 0 atbildēt

30% (6 no 20) Nu tak!

Kā lai es zinu tos diktatorus emotion ar tādu huiņu galvu neaizbāžu...

2 0 atbildēt

60% (12 no 20):Neko tā!

Izpildes laiks: 00:02:26

2 0 atbildēt