Daži spoki man iedvesmoja uzcept rakstu par spociņiem mistikām un tātālāk:) Būs angliski, lai nepazūd jēga:)
My first nightmare experience was about when I was home alone in the middle of the winter and there was a snow storm outside. I woke up and felt extremely thirsty. I went downstairs to get some water. It was dark in the kitchen and stupid me didn't turn on any lights except the lights coming out from the refrigerator. I soon drank up the water, turned around and was about on my way to the bed. Suddenly before I knew anything of it I felt a cold feeling behind my neck. I turned around of course which I soon would regret. In front of me sitting on the kitchen table there was a black shape. It was like a man BUT it wasn’t a man. I got paralyzed by chock but I could see that eyeless, faceless dark shape slowly rising up from the table, VERY SLOWLY and started to walk towards me. It wasn’t a walk but I just can’t explain how, all I knew is it was coming closer. As soon as I felt back to my self again I turned around like a lightning speed. The only thing I had in mind was to “GET THE **** OUT OF THERE”. I was running like hell towards the door which lead to out of my house at incredible speed I never imagine I could run. Now this is the shit! I was running and running, I could see the door in front of me BUT I NEVER GOT TO IT. I got panicked but kept running. In the meanwhile I turned my face back to look at it, it was just coming closer and closer and closer. I screamed out load and then I suddenly woke up in my own pool of swet! ****ing scary dream I’ll never forget. The second dream I had, actually I wasn’t sure it was a dream. I was sleeping in my bed in a very deep sleep. As everyone does in sleep we unconscious open our eyes for a few seconds and then sleep again. The second I opened by eyes I was freezed by chock. In front of my bed in the dark corner of my room there was this senseless, cold, eyeless, faceless dark, black shape again. I got so chocked I thought I was in hell even if it lasted only for a few seconds. I soon came to my self again and turned on the light quickly and then it was gone. From that day on I slept with lights on for several months believe me. The third scary shit nightmare I had was actually a week ago (inspired me to make this thread). It was again about I was sleeping in my bed. Something suddenly woke me up and when I did I got knocked out unconscious by something frightening, extreme chock I don’t remember what it was. Then in the dream I woke up in a hospital tied up and being observed by lots of doctors, psychologist and a “priest”. I of course was my self again but had no idea what the hell was happening and why I got tied up but I felt I was extremely physical exhausted and wanted only to sleep. Now let us jump a bit forward. This is after the doctors, psychologist and the priest realised I was on my normal self again after they’ve done several tests on me. I’ve asked them several times what the hell has happen to me but they've refuses to answer until now. One of the priest and a doctor there told me I’ve been away for a week. I got surprised and shocked at the same, nothing but speechless. They showed me a video of my self locked and tied up in a room with surveillance camera observed by scientist, doctors, physiologist and a priest. I was in rage there, my eyes was blood red talking, shouting in tongues I didn’t understand. I had extremely physical strength and could get my self loosen up. I was jumping weirdly like 5 feet up in the air, screaming, scratching on the walls.. hanging up from the roof supported by “one finger”, some kind of impossible physical strength anyone can perform. I soon of course understood there was some kind of a demon inside me. The priest from another room observing and speaking to me from a microphone in another language I didn’t understood one word of but seems similar to the older catholic, some kind of Greek I’d say. I was asking the priest what he was asking he said he was asking for a name. I was screaming, shouting in two vocals repeating in a weird language but in the end I could hear one word clearly “BELIAL”. I got so scared listening and looking at my self doing all that in the video I just woke up in my bed swetting and shaking. I couldn’t of course go back to sleep again but I was thinking a lot about if this could be a coincident from the pass nightmares (first one I was 15 years old, the second one I was 22 and this the 3rd one I'm 28). I was asking is it possible that dark shape, figure could have anything to do with this dream, was he just ****ing with me, testing me, teasing me, visiting me.. WHAT? I don’t know what the hell or could that dark figure be the one inside me in this nightmare??? I got scared the whole morning thinking of this for hours before I could go to work BUT there was one word coughed up my attention. That is the word “BELIAL” which I’ve caught hearing somewhere before but don’t remember. It was probably a name the priest asked me in the dream I thought. Several hours later I arrived to my office and suddenly out of curiosity I searched for this word “BELIAL” in the Google. It chocked me and scared the hell out of me making me trouble sleeping every night to today. If you’re curious enough go and search for the word “BELIAL” at the Google, but I warn you….Tev patiks šie raksti