Some people care too much... I think it's called love.. /Winnie the Pooh/
Theres two things that get peoples attention, one is fear and the other is hope.” /Lacey Mosley/
Neraudi par dzīvi, jo tā par tevi neraudās
Pa vienu nakti nevar izmainīt dzīvi, bet var izmainīt savas domas, kuras uz visiem laikiem izmainīs tavu dzīvi.
One of the most amazing things in the world is having someone who falls in love with you, even you thought you never had a chance…
I look good for everyone, but not enough for you.
Tell me one reason to stay, and I’ll turn back.
You are never to old to make a change or take a chance. You only have this one life, so make it a damn good one. /Kellan Lutz/