Mans pirmais raksts spokiem.lv Dažreiz uznāk iedvesma un patīk pafantazēt,tikai šoreiz atstāju savu fantāziju uz papīra un izlēmu padalīties ar jums Raksts ir angļu valodā.
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The Diary of Elen.
The voices are calling me in my sleep since I was a kid. But my mother taught me that there was no reason to fear them. She said that angel`s are watching me in my sleep. She told me the same thing every night when I woke up feeling frightened.
Well she did... When she was alive. My mother died 10 years ago... I never really understood why she died. She went to bed as usual after she red me my favourite fairy tale and kissed me good night,but the next morning...She didn`t wake up. My father found her....
It was a big tragedy for us... Year`s passed by and we tried to move on and live a completely normal life like we used to. My father thought we did, but it was all just a big lie. It could never ever be the same again.... I didn`t want to hurt my father... I knew it wasn`t easy for him either... So I always tried to smile as much as possible and keep on pretending everything`s fine. As I grew older, the voices in my sleep were getting louder. For a moment there I thought I`m just going insane and it was all just my imagination. I tried to keep myself calm by remembering my mother`s word`s..She always told me that I was blessed. Every time I heard them calling me again, I tried to understand what they were saying,but I never could. So I stopped trying...
Today is the 14th of July and I had finally finished the School year . Too bad it was the same date my mother died... I tried not to think about it. I celebrated the end of the School year with my friends... , and went home. That night my mother visited me in my dream... She was looking beautiful... But she was trying to warn me bout something ... I didn`t really understand what.. Now be careful there Elen... It`s time-She said.
I woke up and I was all shaking, like I would be afraid of something...But I wasn`t. I set in my bed for a while... Staring at one point... breathing like I had been running for hours...
I layied down in my bed again,closed my eyes and tried not to think about anything so I could fall asleep. But I couldn`t. The thoughts were running trough my head faster than the speed of light,and I couldn`t stand it. so I stood up and wnet to the kitchen for a hot cup of tea... It was a beautiful night outside... The moon was full and the sky was clear enough to see the stars... I sat next to the window ,and just stared at the charming sky ... I thought that maybe the beautiful view would clear my mind,but it didn`t It actualy turned out opposite. I started to think about my life, my future and how would it all turn out... I set there... deeply thinking.... Then suddenly I felt a cold breeze behind my back.. And my cup of tea felt down on the floor...