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Jā - atgadījumi ņemti no fmylife.com

17 0 atbildēt
Ir cilvēki, kuri liek komatus tur, kur vajag, ir cilvēki, kuri neliek komatus vispār. Tu neesi neviens no šiem, un tas ir traki
7 0 atbildēt

Today, I donated to a charity website. My card was repeatedly refused by the website but when I went on my account, I was charged for each time I tried. I was scammed by a charity. FML Today, I tried to be seductive to get intimate with my boyfriend. He commented on how sexy I looked, and how badly he wanted me, then asked me to move because I was blocking the TV, and the World Cup match he was watching. FML Today, after working the night shift, I accidentally left my iPod at the office. I woke up later and went on Facebook. To my dismay, I saw some coworker had posted stuff on my wall, such as, "I really have to take a shit!" and "Yes, my tits are real!" FML

2 0 atbildēt

***** acī, pēdējā bilde, tāds spridzeklis :D

0 0 atbildēt
Es ar nē. Šķita, ka šie ir kaut kādi slikti izdomāti notikumi, kas tā arī nekad nav notikuši.
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