Par ko tad Eiropa smejās?Protams ka pa saviem tuvākajiem kaimiņiem.Lai gan joki nav diez ko glaimojoši, taču diezgan labi noraksturo kādi ir konkrētās valsts iedzīvotāji un ko par viņiem domā kaimiņi.
Eiropa joko!9
Spāņi par portugāļiem “Portugal is the only country in the world where a man’s mistress is uglier than his wife”
Pēc ilgāka perioda politisko cīņu par ietekmi reģionā, Spānija un Portugāle tagad bauda draudzīgas atiecības savā starpā, taču kulturālās atšķirības liek sevi manīt.
Portugāļi par spāņiem “- How do you recognize a Spaniard in a library?” “- He is the only one to look after a world map of Madrid ”
Franči par beļģiem “Two Belgians are driving a truck and arrive at a bridge with a warning sign: maximum height 4 meters. They get off and measure their truck. It’s 6 meters high. “What shall we do?” asks the one. “I don’t see any police” says the other one “so let’s drive on””
Franči beļģus vienmēr uzskatīijuši par stulbiem cilvēkiem ar dīvainu akcentu un novecojušu leksiku.
Luksemburga par beļģiem “Helicopter crashes in a Belgian cemetery. The rescue teams have already found 100 dead people.”
Beļgija par frančiem “-Why do we say ‘going to the toilets’ in France and ‘going to the toilet’ in Belgium ?”“- Because in France, you have to visit many of them before finding one clean enough”.
Par Nīderlandi “- Why do the Dutch people love the Belgian-jokes so much?”
“- They are cheap”.
Zviedri par norvēģiem “-How do you say ‘genius’ in Norway?” “- A tourist”
Dāņiem- “- Why do Danish people never play hide and seek?” “- Because nobody wants to look for them”
Somiem- “The difference between a Finnish wedding and a Finnish funeral is that at a funeral there’s one person not having vodka.”
Somi par zviedriem “- What is the difference between Swedes and Finns?” “-The Swedes have nice neighbors!”
Dāņi par zviedriem “Keep Denmark clean – show a Swede to the ferry.”
un pārējo skandināviju “Two men were sitting on a bench in a park. The first was drunk, and the other was also Finn. ”
Nīderlande par beļģiem “- Why wasn’t Jesus born in Belgium?” “-God couldn’t find three wise men in Belgium”.
Vācija par poļiem “ – What do you call it when 2 whites are pushing a car?” “-White Power” “-What do you call it when 2 blacks are pushing a car?” “- Black Power” “- What do you call it when 2 Poles are pushing a car?” “- Grand theft auto”
Dāņiem “-Why did Ikea stop opening stores in the Netherlands?” “- They couldn’t afford the free pencils anymore”.