
Zelta audi R87

36 4

labs!! zel ka tik maz bildes!

emotionemotionemotionemotionemotionemotionemotionemotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion

Aside from the car wrap, from the factory the Audi R8 holds a mid-mounted V8 FSI engine, quattro permanent four-wheel drive, and an Audi Space Frame aluminum body all delivering a total of 420 horsepower. At the track the Audi R8 is no slouch, sprinting from 0 to 60 mph in 4.5 seconds and reaching a top speed of 187 mph. There definitely will be more wrapped cars in the future, so if it’s your thing, stay tuned.

36 4 7 Ziņot!
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Bedziot atradu kur biju viņu pazaudējis , paldies + emotion

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otrā zelta mašīna. abas krieviem ;d

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Jā, zinu ir tādi cilveki kuri apzeltij savus autiņus.

Bet pateikšu tīri neko izskatās.

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varēji pierakstit kam viņš pieder , n stuff  bildītes jau sāk apnikt

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ja taa masina butu no zelta tad bomzu barins vinu butu jau nopizgijusi :D

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Būtu pameklējis tad atrastu ka es sen biju jau ielicis un ar daudz lielāku aprakstu! 


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