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Photoshop gods.44

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Selēnai viena roka kā krabim spīle emotion

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Tas 11.!!! :D

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Taču patiesībā šīs bildes tikai parāda konkrēto cilvēku slēptākās vēlmes emotion 

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18. tas teksts emotion

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                          ト、           _____,,,... ------=ミ| ∨⌒ア           {            ⌒丶   `^¬<           '::::..... _____/         ⌒丶\            ':::::::::\                 \\            `Z:::::::::ア     /     /     \ 丶\              ソ   /    /  / /|::::   j  \ :::. `7                 ;  /     ;  /i⌒メ  |:::: .::::/|  ̄ ̄ :::::/            │       . _j斗守ミx   |: / :::⌒ト     ∨            │ │  ..:::《|んJハ   |厶-=ミx| /    \                〉 │  :::::: |∨_ソ    rJう }}レ  :::| ̄ ̄               /..::八 ...:::八 \:::     Vン /::::::. ::八           ⌒ア:::::::.: ::::::::::|⌒     '  ::::イ|::::::::. :::::..\                ⌒7:::::\:::::::.    , ,   人:l\:::: | ̄ ̄                  厶/|::|\::ト     _. イ :::: |  \|                 __」人 \. T 〔::/∨ \|              _/ ヘ.  \_ ト、         /⌒¨¨¨¨¨マ//∧   /|│ \ .      /  \   マ//∧_ ´ │∨ _|__ .       |    ヽ   マ//∧.   \\\「\ .       |  /       マ///\   〕 〉 Vハ〉       r仁´   ∧   マ////\  ∨  ∨\       〈      /|     ∨////∧  \  \ ヽ      /       /| /   \////∧.  \  \〉

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;Loti realistiski. emotion

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nu 14. nevar redzet, ka norijies..:P

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14. Gibbbieeee!

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The gods of photoshop arena.

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19. nu nopietni kā var padomāt ka tā ir matu krāsa

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Tagad ieturēsim klusuma brīdi par godu photoshop emotion

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