SPOKI › Foto izlase › Pasmaidi! :) Pasmaidi! :)15 sinch 189 8 Labāk sāpīgas beigas,nekā nebaidzamas sāpes. I was just wondering about you, wondering if you ever think about me... izveidot rakstuizveidot testu Reklāma Just open yours eyes and see that life is beautiful. I laugh, I love, I hope, I try I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, So we're really not that different, me and you. Nothing's gonna change ours dreams, I Love U. Reklāma My heart are in your hands. You said you never leave, look what you done to me- left me broken. I never should let you go. Reklāma Any moment spent away from you is too long. Love is what makes you smile when you're tired. «‹ 1 2 3 »› 189 8 15 Ziņot! Ieteikt: 000 Tev patiks šie raksti Populārākie raksti Fotošops ar labu humoru: 15 kadri,...7 Zibenzellis69 Spoki.lv Apjukums un smaids: internetā tika...9 Zibenzellis69 Spoki.lv 3 Zodiaka zīmes, kurām patīk...0 matilde Spoki.lv Tests: Vai tavs prāts ir ass kā...5 matilde Spoki.lv Spoki.lv