
No words anymore.8

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Tell me your story. I'll listen. Just let me plug in my earphones and turn KinDzaDza to full volume.

The ones that love us will never really leave us. Gosh,  the gay dude fapping at me every night through the window must be inlove with me!

You don't know how important is your existance to someone...Until it's time to pay the taxes

Es solījos par tevi parūpēties- un es rūpēšos. Es solīju, ka neļaušu nevienam tevi aizskart, un, tāpēc sargāšu tevi, cik būs manos spēkos. Es solīju allaž būt tev blakus- un es būšu. Es solīju allaž mīlēt- un vienalga, ko jūti tu- es mīlēšu, mans laptop!

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Ej paraudi kādā kaktā, meitēn. ^_^

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