SPOKI › Foto izlase › Love is... Love is...4 DuoMzh 32 0 Love is the harmony of two souls singing together Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time. izveidot rakstuizveidot testu Reklāma Love is happiness given back and forth Love is in your heart not to stay, but to be shared Love is when you find yourself spending every wish on him Reklāma Love is afraid of losing you Love is not measured by how you feel, but how you make the other person feel. Love is like the ozone layer. You never miss it until it's gone Reklāma Love is the shortest distance between hearts Love is hard to find, but once you find it you won't regret it. «‹ 1 2 3 4 »› 32 0 4 Ziņot! Ieteikt: 000 Tev patiks šie raksti Populārākie raksti 18 negaidītas mākslas piemēri, kad...7 Zibenzellis69 Spoki.lv Kaķis - galvenais Ziemassvētku...10 matilde Spoki.lv Tests: Vai tu vari atpazīt šīs...10 Lestets Spoki.lv Cik daudz tu zini? Tests ar 10...11 matilde Spoki.lv Spoki.lv