SPOKI › Foto izlase › Dīvaina izskata dzīvnieki. Dīvaina izskata dzīvnieki.3 cikibubs 80 10 Muscovy ducks are native to Mexico and Central and South America Bactrian camels can be found in central Asia izveidot rakstuizveidot testu Reklāma Tarsiers can be spotted in Southeast Asia The Matamata turtle is found in South America, specifically in the Amazon and Orinoco basins Oyster Toadfish can be found in the Caribbean Sea Reklāma Striped hyenas live in Africa, the Middle East and western India Lamprey can be found on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America, in the western Mediterranean Sea and the Great Lakes The Purple nosed frog is unique to India Reklāma Pygmy Marmosets are native to western Brazil, southeastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, Peru and northern Bolivia Tawny Frogmouths are found around Australia «‹ 1 2 »› 80 10 3 Ziņot! Ieteikt: 000 Saturs turpinās pēc reklāmasKomentāri (3) Pievienot komentāru Tev patiks šie raksti Populārākie raksti Interesantu fotogrāfiju izlase no...9 Zibenzellis69 Spoki.lv 17 jautri biedējoši kaķu fotoattēli,...12 Zibenzellis69 Spoki.lv Tests: Kāds latvietis tu esi?9 matilde Spoki.lv Tests: Ķeša, krāga un šķipele. Vai...9 matilde Spoki.lv Spoki.lv