

26 8
Manuprāt, mūzikas dievi.. viņu dziesmas varu klausīties kaut vai nepātraukti. :) (Es ceru, ka mans mazais tulkojums, jums neliksies parāk briesmīgs. emotion )

Chad Kroeger - Vocals, Guitar
Mike Kroeger - Bass
Ryan Peake - Guitar
Daniel Adair - Drums
"We never take anything for granted," says Nickelback's Chad Kroeger. But this is one band that certainly could.

Jau 13.gadus Nickelback ir bijuši daudzu hītu autori, albums All the right reasons (2oo5) ir gadsimta veiksmīgākais albūms. Tas atstājis paliekošas pēdās visu četru mūziķu dzīvē, tāpēc sagaidāms, ka grupas 6 albūms būs tikpat lielisks. Grupas mūziķi atzīst, ka katra jauna dziesma vai albūms viņiem ir kā jauns sākums, kas ļauj pilnveidoties un augt , pierādot sevi arvien no jauna un labākā kvalitātē. "I honestly think that with every song you release you have to keep winning your own fans over again," Chad Kroeger explains. "I want every single song to be amazing. That's what I want to hear, so that's what we have to try to provide to our fans." His brother, bassist Mike Kroeger, adds that, "Any artist that is even surviving right now is a dark horse because things change pretty fast. You're a superstar one day and wake up the next day and you're anonymous. To be successful in any way is beating the odds right now." Nickelback ierakstu rekordi runā par grupas statusu un populitaritāti, grupa ir pārdevusi 27 milj. albūmu visā pasaulē un kopš 2001. gada singla “How you remind me” ir “aizsūtījusi ” 13 jaunus singlus uz Bilboard Chart. "It wasn't like we all sat back and said, 'Oh my God, this is gonna be the biggest record of our lives,' " Chad Kroeger recalls. "It was us sitting around saying, 'we're really proud of this record, and I hope that everyone else is gonna love it half as much as we do.' And they did." Pie albūma “Dark horse” Nickelback sāka strādāt martā , vēlāk grupa pārcēlās uz sava producenta māju Šveicē, lai sāktu strādāt pie jaunajām dziesmām. Pirmā dziesma ko viņi ierakstīja bija “If today was your last day,” pēc tam idejas nāca pašas par sevi.. Mike Kroeger adds that, "I think people expect that level of effort or level of 'quality' from us. We don't pen ourselves into one identity; we're just trying out new things and doing some things we haven't done before...and making sure that it's as good as it can be and the cleanest and most refined version of what we do." "We're kind of a people's band," Peake explains, "so we'll leave it up to them whether they like it or not. We're one of those bands people come back to, which is very cool."

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Komentāri 14

nu ļoooti daudz foršas dziesmas viņiem emotion
4 0 atbildēt
Pilnīgi piekrītu sawluxz!! Šitie džeki ir the best!!! emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion
4 0 atbildēt
Vai Nickelback atbrauks Latvija?? emotion emotion emotion
3 0 atbildēt
Nepatik video ka tas pasas dziesmas skan...Bet ta OK.
3 0 atbildēt
dievinu viņus.. :*
3 0 atbildēt
Jaunā dziesma vispār...
2 0 atbildēt
labi....man ar patiik...
2 0 atbildēt
bea- vot tiesi del solista balss tembra vinus jaklausas p.s. loti labs raksts :))
2 0 atbildēt
dea avatarsdea
starp citu Dark Horse var dabūt netā, ja kādu interesē, varu iedot adresi, kur albūmu var ātri un vienkārši iegūt. par to tulkojumu, zinu ka maz, diemžēl man vnm ir tā, ka angļu valodā teksta būtību saprotu, bet nevaru normālu teikumu latviski izveidot. emotion
2 0 atbildēt
pearl jam wannabes un pearl jam sūkā!
2 0 atbildēt
Jāāā,šitie ir kolosāli!!
2 0 atbildēt
kolosala muzikaemotion
2 0 atbildēt
lol dievi emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion
2 1 atbildēt
Nickelback. - Nīguļu mugura - Nikuļaunās muguras.
1 1 atbildēt