
BLOODZ vs Cripz6

24 6
The Crips are a primarily, but not exclusively, African American gang founded in Los Angeles, California in 1971 mainly by Raymond Washington and Stanley Williams. What was once a single alliance between two autonomous gangs is now a loosely connected network of individual sets, often engaged in open warfare with one another.

The Bloods are a street gang originally founded in Los Angeles, California. The gang is widely known for its rivalry with the Crips. They are identified by the red color worn by their members and by particular gang symbols, including distinctive hand signs. The Bloods are made up of various sub-groups known as "sets" between which significant differences exist such as colors, clothing, and operations, and political ideas which may be in open conflict with each other. Since their creation, the Blood gangs have branched out throughout the United States. Bloods have been documented in the US military, found in both US and overseas bases.

Vārdu sakot šis ir divas nēģeru bandas, kuras karo visu laiku savā starpā!
P.S. pirmais raksts esat maigi emotion

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Tavs latviskais skaidrojums nebija iipashi gudrs...
3 1 atbildēt
atgadina gta san andreas :D :D!
2 1 atbildēt
nu gan sagribējis lai esam maigi! lohs ble! partulko losi!
2 1 atbildēt
vsp nesaprotu to stulbumu, nafig karot kautkādām bandām, jau ta par daudz naids un vardarbība pasaulē, kari ikdienu afrikā un kautkādi idioti ASV, kas karo savā starpa tikai lai pazīmētos vai narkotiku un vēl visādu citu sūdu deļ!!! iemācaties dzīvot!!!!!!
2 1 atbildēt
rafij, tas jau ir tas pats gta san andreas, tikai shitie grove street tur uztaisiiti kaa cripsi un tie ballas kaa bloodsi, es to bandu vietaa meeginaatu atrast normaalu darbu saakt dziivot
1 0 atbildēt
viņi esot salīguši mieru un tagad ir Bloods & Crips. takā pilna LA ar šitiem. MS 13 ir varenaaka par šitiem tirliņiem :D
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