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The Hurt Locker1

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Notikumi risinās Irākā. Kara radītajā haosā ASV karavīri spiesti spēlēt bīstamo kaķa un peles spēli, kurš kuru pret nemieriniekiem. Armijas elites atmīnētāju vienība dodas uz pilsētu, kur ikkatrs tās iedzīvotājs ir potenciāls ienaidnieks un katra ēka var būt mīnēta…

With Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty, Evangeline Lilly, Ralph Fiennes, David Morse and Guy Pearce.

The Hurt Locker, winner of the 2008 Venice Film Festival SIGNIS Grand Prize, is a riveting, suspenseful portrait of the courage under fire of the militarys unrecognized heroes: the technicians of a bomb squad who volunteer to challenge the odds and save lives in one of the worlds most dangerous places. Three members of the Armys elite Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) squad battle insurgents and each other as they search for and disarm a wave of roadside bombs on the streets of Baghdad—in order to try and make the city a safer place for Iraqis and Americans alike. Their mission is clear—protect and save—but its anything but easy, as the margin of error when defusing a war-zone bomb is zero. This thrilling and heart-pounding look at the effects of combat and danger on the human psyche is based on the first-hand observations of journalist and screenwriter Mark Boal, who was embedded with a special bomb unit in Iraq. These men spoke of explosions as putting you in the hurt locker.

IMDB - 8.0/10

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Komentāri 1

vareeji jau pats iisumaa aprakstiit filmas sizhetu......jo tas nav sarezhgiits.....
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