

nu taa, vakaraa mazliet pacentos iztulkot

Mystery/ Misterija
All my life has been a mystery / visa mana dzive ir bijusi misterija,
You and I were never ever meant to be / tew un man nekad nav lemts buut (tipa kopaa)
That's why I call my love for you a mystery / taapeec es saucu savu milestibu pret tevi par misteriju

Different country / atskjriga valsts
You and I have always lived in a different countryc/ tu un es esam vienmer dzivojusi atskjrigas valstis
And I know that airline tickets don't grow on a tree / un es zinu, ka lidmasinu biletes neaug kokos
So what kept us apart is plain for me to see / tapec, kas mus tureja skjirti, man to ir vienkarsi izprast
That much at least is not really a mystery / ta isti nav misterija

Estuary / Estuaars
I live in a houseboat on an estuary / es dzivoju laivaa Estuaraa
Which is handy for my work with the Tamesis Port Authority / kas noder man daros ar Tamezijas ostas autoritatem
But I know you would have found it insanitary / bet es zinaju, ka tew tas liksies antisanitaari
Insanitary / antisanitaari

Taken a violent dislike to me / izvelejies vardarbiigu atskjribaa no manis
I'd be foolish to ignore the possibility / es uzvesto muljkjigi ja ignoreetu iespeejamiibu
That if we'd ever actually met, you might have hated me / ka, ja mees vispaar kaadreiz satiktos, tu vareetu but mani ieniidusi
Still, that's not the only problem that I can see / tomeer ta nav vieniigaa probleema, ko es redzu

Dead since 1973 / mirusi kopsh 1973. gada
You've been dead now . . . wait a minute, let me see... tu esi mirusi jau.. mazliet uzgaidi, lauj man padomaat...
Fifteen years come next January (JAN-uary) / piedspadsmit gadi paliks naakamajaa janvaarii
As a human being you are history / ka cilveeks, tu jau esi veesture

So why do I still long for you? / taapec kaapeec es veel tiecos peec tewis?
Why is my love so strong for you? / kaapee mana miila ir tik stipra pret tewi?
Why did I write this song for you? / kaapeec es tew uzrakstiiju so diesmu?
Well, I guess it's just the mystery / es tomaju, ka aa ir misteerija

Mystery / misteerija

neesiet skarbi, man 1. raksts!

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