
Emilie Nereng14


...who's real name is Emilie Nereng is the second most popular blogger in Norway. She's only 14 (!!!) but everybody loves her. Me to! I read her everyday! Why? I don't know.. she doesn't write about fashion, and clearly her life is different from mine she just starting out as a teen and me being... ehem, much older! Still she just seems so friendly, and her personality shines through on her blog. I just love her! Voe is the only one who comes lose to Ida Wulff numbers wise. Voe blogs at the Norwegian blogging portal blogg.no, where she is the number one visited on the list for that portal. Voe says she doesn't know how much money she makes, and I think this is true because due to her age her father has put up a company who is technically making all the money of the blog. And then this company pays Voe a salary type each month. Then again, Voe is the owner of this company which has no other employers so if she wants to shut it down and take out all the cash she can. But not until she's 18, because her father is managing it until then. Voe has been getting heat in the media because she recently launched a singing career. She actually has a pretty good voice in my opinion, but she's no Beyonce. People are mad that she is getting this opportunity because of her blog. But as Voe said in a recent interview: "I'm a 14 year old girl who just like every other 14 year girl dreams of being Britney Spears. When someone comes to me with this opportunity, what am I suppose to do? Say no, because their are people with more talent out there?".

-Tagad viņai ir 15. gadi



Šis teksts ir kopēts no vienas adreses protams es viņu nepārtūlkošu domāju ka domu var saprast. ;)

Un jā bildes ieliku diezgan daudz. ;)

P.S. Paldies Nore kura pateica kā var atrast viņas bildes.

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Komentāri 14


oooouuu, viņai ir tik skaisti mati

4 0 atbildēt

:"everybody loves her. Me to!" LOL 

3 0 atbildēt

loti apburoša meitene! :)

1 0 atbildēt

kaut kā galīgi neticās, ka viņai ir 14!!!

2 1 atbildēt

Big wow es ar zinu vienu meiteni no bulgarijas kurai ir tikai 15 gadi un viņa iskatas kā 17. viņa ir modele. baigais pasaules brīnums?

2 1 atbildēt


1 0 atbildēt

ehh man tādi paši lateksa legingiii...dievinu viņus...

+ bet varēji jau iztulkot!

0 0 atbildēt

Nēsmu par tādu dzirdējusi...bet viņa ir patiešām smuka un jā...bildes patiešām daudzemotion

0 0 atbildēt

da labi...14 gadi? nedzen

0 0 atbildēt

īsti nepiekrītu ka lv ir tādu iztrukums, drīzāk ieteiktu tam cilvēkam kādreiz uz ielas iziet- principā 60% ir tādas.

1 1 atbildēt


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žēl ka Latvijā tādu iztrūkums ;D

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