Kaa zinams , vakar jau iznaca 3 WoWa expansija - Cataclysm ..
un protams neiztikt bez ta saucamajiem "zadrotiem"
nu tad luuk .. katram pieredzejusham wow speletajam butu jazin kas ir Athene ...
Un pec oficialiem datiem vins jau sen kaa skraida ar 85 levelu - Jeb ir pirmais cilveks kurs dabujis 85 lvl ...
Interesanti ka vins ari bijis pirmais kurs dabujis 80 lvl uz LicH kinga ....
Since World of Warcraft: Cataclysm was launch few hours hours ago, we have the world first level 85 Athena. Yep, it is Athene from the IPOWER group. He manage to hit the level 85 cap within 6 hours or to be exactly only 5 hours and 30 minutes of power leveling. He played on the EU realm Neptulon, character name: Forscience, and also was a protection paladin as it seems. Previously he was also the record holder for being the first person to reach level 80 when the Burning Crusade – second expansion of WoW was released three years ago.
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