
Oliver Sykes wallpapers.7

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Oliver Scott Sykes was born on November 20, 1986. In his childhood it it said that he attended the same high school as members of the Arctic Monkeys. Also in his high school years, he started a music project referred to as Olisaurus or Oli Has a Deathwish at the age of sixteen, which was an electronic/instrumental project. Other projects include Purple Curto, which Oli did the drumming and vocals for, and Womb 2 Da Tomb, a rap side project including Oli's brother tom, and fellow BMTH member Matt Nicholls.

In 2004 the deathcore band Bring Me The Horizon was formed, featuring Oli Sykes on vocals, Lee Malia on guitar, Matt Kean on bass, and Matt Nicholls on drums. The band has gained a lot of popularity over the years and has been featured in many tours, including a lot of sold out shows.

While on tour with his band in the United Kingdom, allogations were made against Oli that he assaulted a fan after a gig at Nottingham Rock City. All charges against Sykes were dropped.

As of today Oli Sykes is still the vocalist for Bring Me the Horizon. He also owns a clothing company called Drop Dead Clothing which recieves a lot of business and website visits.

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Mmm kā man gribētos viņa Drop Dead kreklus,vnk tik dievīgi!!!!!! emotion

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Tīk kolosāli krekli. Galvenais ka krāsaini un arī interesantu apdruku.

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1. Būtu labi ja varētu salasīt bez lupas palīdzības...

2. kārtējais masu bara instinkta elks, kurš nesaprotamu iemeslu dēļ liek slapināt biksītēs gan čaļiem, gan meitenēm un pāris gadiem paejot un paaugoties liksies smieklīga visa tā apmātība !!!

3. bet nu malacis tādā ziņā, ka rubulis smuks gan jau, ka ienākās...

p.s. bet itkā mūzika samērā interesanta... var paklausīt...

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Tokio Hotel?

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