
New version of Heidi Blair Pratt Montag10

24 1


Man viņa senāk patika, bet tagad, kad saņēma 10 plastiskās operācijas vienā dienā..

Plus, Heidija atzīst, ka pēc procedūras  ir gandrīz nomirusi.

"I almost died after my procedure," Montag told Access Hollywood's Billy Bush on Monday. "I had too much Demerol like Michael Jackson did and my breathing was five breaths per minute which is like almost dead. (I was) in an aftercare center, there were nurses that were supposed to be tending to me at all times."

"So thank God, Charles, one of my security guys used to be an EMT, and he was timing my breath on his watch and he called the nurses and they had to put oxygen on my face and called my plastic surgeon to come in for an emergency. So, it was a very traumatic experience for me," she continued.

Two months after the surgery, Montag said she is now starting to regain all of the movement in her face. "I'm starting to move my face more and more," Montag said. '(But,) I feel very plastic .. especially when I first came out, it was so hard for me even to smile and it's still hard for me to chew sometimes. But it's feeling more and more natural everyday because the swelling is going down."

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pilnīgi debila.

agrāk viņa izskatījās tik skaisti,tagad savilkta!

4 0 atbildēt

vakar par šo tēmu bija viens cits raksts, kur uzskatāmāk varēja redzēt, ka pirms tomēr bija labāk...

3 0 atbildēt

ieprieks manuprat bija labaak ;)

3 0 atbildēt

Jauka ;)

2 0 atbildēt

tagad viņas seja izskatās nelaimīga..

2 0 atbildēt

manuprāt, tagad viņa izskatās veca...emotion

2 0 atbildēt

Šausmas, nu tik mākslīga izskatās.. seja vienkārši no plastmasas, ka nevar normāli pasmaidīt..

1 0 atbildēt

Tagad es saprotu tos, kuri di*š, ka liek vienu un to pašu rakstu pa vairākām reizēm.... TAS TĀĀĀĀ KAITINA emotion

1 0 atbildēt

Norm, nav nekaa paraak paarspileeta ;)

0 0 atbildēt

protams neizskatas slikti..bt vinaizskataspilnigi pec cita cilvēka! :o

Tagad vina tiesām izskatas perfekti..betnu kajau vina patiteica-plastiski

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