Pilns vārds : Leighton Marissa Claire Meester
Dzimusi : 1986.gadā,9.aprīlī.
Garums : 1,65m
*Viņai ir vecākais brālis,Douglas Meester.
*Viņa ir strādājusi ar slavenu fotogrāfi,Sofia Coppola.
*Viņai patīk dziedāt un ir dziedājusi filmā "Drive Thru"
*Īstā matu krāsa viņai ir blonda,bet savus matus nokrāsoja brūnus priekš lomas "Blair Woldorf",seriālā Gossip Girl.
*Ir jaunākais brālis,Lex Meester.
*Viņa labi runā franču valodā.
Viņas izteicieni(nav tulkoti):
I don't want to do drugs. I don't want to have to start over a million times. I want to have an abundance of good things in my life, and I want it to spread out evenly - I don't want it to come and go.
I want to do so many things -- and maybe someday a lot of it will be impossible, but right now I don't see the impossible.
My mom lived through a lot before I was born, and I can't judge her on that. She and my dad are good people. Look, I could've turned out a lot worse.
I was picked on because I was a four-eyes and a dork. We didn't have a ton of money so I couldn't say, "Mom, I need to have these crazy expensive jeans." I had long tangled hair and wore hemp necklaces, baggy T-shirts and not-so-cute jeans. I mean, for crying out loud, we were just going to throw on gym clothes and run around the track! I've grown up as far as the fashion world goes, but I still identify with the high school me.
I really came to realize -- and it's the best advice that will come out of the end of this show -- that high school is not the end, it is not the best, it is not the only. You will have a whole life afterward, if you're lucky. If you're unlucky, then the only thing you'll ever feel is how fun it is at your prom.
I love New York. You're never alone, but you're always on your own.
I don't want to have a friend unless I can call them one of my best friends.
I think the most wonderful thing about her [Hepburn] is that she set a lot of trends and they were all about being modern yet having your own kind of look because you can be stylish and trendy all you want, but at the end of the day it's about what you feel amazing in.