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Ke$ha: used to be a GEEK in school.14

8 21

 SUPERSTAR singer Ke$ha hasn’t always been a wildchild pop queen — she used to be a GEEK during her school years!  “At school, I was a band geek and a maths nerd,” said the Your Love Is My Drug hitmaker. “If I wasn’t a singer I would be scuba diving with baby whales.”

Ke$ha — real name — recently admitted she’s cautious when it comes to dating guys — because her last boyfriend “smashed my heart into a million billion pieces”.

“My last boyfriend smashed my heart into a million billion pieces,” she said last month. “I’ve had no father figure and I had finally trusted a man.

“If I were to get involved with another guy, he’d have to be pretty much be the Second Coming.

“My mum… went through the necessary ways of having a child. And she didn’t want a man telling her what and what not to do… She just wanted a baby.

“It’s an interesting topic of conversation to other people more so than it is to myself. I don’t obsess about it.

“Maybe I’m in denial. Maybe I need a therapist.

“But I had a very complete childhood. I don’t feel like I missed out on anything.” source; showbizspy!

8 21 14 Ziņot!
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Būtu vismaz iztulkojis! Sliņķis :(

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2 bilde emotion

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"wild pop queen"

Are you serious?

Auto tune, nejēdzīgi dziesmu teksti un tu esi popa karaliene!

Tas jau parāda, no kā sastāv popmūzika mūsdienās.. =]

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kaads uztaisa rakstu.. attieciigi taisniiba :D


tik ilgi kameer nav oficiaalas intervijas, nevajag ticeet visiem murgiem, kas tiek rakstiiti, kad garlaiciigi ir :D

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smukas kurpiites

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copy+paste= mīnuss

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