
It's their first time! 10 young celebs who can finally9

22 42

Dakota Fanning has been waiting for this special moment. Mac Miller is finally making his move. Selena Gomez is so gonna do it. Josh Hutcherson will most def get down. What are some of Young Hollywood’s finest up to in 2012? They’re all swiping their V-cards! Oh, and we mean voter cards, btdubs. We’ve got a list of all the rising stars who will be busting out their ballots for the first-time ever in this year’s Presidential election!

All of these freshman Poliwooders were under 18 for Barack Obama and John McCain’s Oval Office showdown in 2008, so this is their year to officially flex that national electoral muscle. So meet our fave hot, famous and legal celebs!

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copy&paste + angļu valodā? emotion vismaz iztulkot varēji emotion

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tev darīt nebij ko kā angļu valodā uztaisīt iztulkot kaut varēji. emotion

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Pat nelasīju, kaut arī labi zinu angļu valodu. Nepatīk, ka nav iztulkots. -
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Copy-paste, angliski un vēl ar gramatiskām kļūdām un dažās vietās ar pilnīgi nesakarīgu tekstu.  emotion   emotion   emotion

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''Hannah Montana is all grows up!'' nevajadzētu būt grown up?

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copy paste?!?!?!emotion----

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