Sākšu jau ar to, ka šis ir mans pirmais raksts un nezināju ko nebijušu ielikt, bet tā kā viss jau ir bijis.. Gifiem nav nekāda sakara ar tekstu un nav tulkots, jo tad pamatā zaudē teksta jēgu. Vērtējiet paši!
Ian Somerhalder4
You can all go to the hell.
If I see something I haven' t seen before, I' ll throw a dollar at it.
I like you. You know how to laught.
What' s so special about this Bella girl? Edward' s so whipped.
- What are we, twelve? / Damon /
- One of us is. / Elena /
Have you ever been so bent on someone, just to have your heart ripped out by them?
I love you, Elena.
Rainbows and unicorns.