
(who is your perfect?) mana dziesma.3

22 6

I go in rain

and I smile.

I go in rain

and I I smile.

Who is your god,

Who is your boy?

she want the nobody you,

she want the nobody you,

and who is your perfect,

and who is your god?

she want the nobody you,

she want the nobody my,

and my friends are good,

and your friends are smart.

And I smile,

and I had


yeah yeah ahahaha

she hs a very good party

and you isn`t in this,

and you isn`t in this.

she want the nobody you,

she want the nobody you,

and who is your perfect,

and who is your god?

she want the nobody you,

she want the nobody my,

and my friends are good,

and my friends are smart.

She has a sunglasses ,

And I smile ,and I smile,

I had had had had had.

Oh oh no no no,

oh oh no no

that’s no not perfect!


22 6 3 Ziņot!
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Komentāri 3


WTF ? 

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Agonizējošā saprāta pēdējais gārdziens.

2 0 atbildēt

aa.. tgt sapratu...... biki lidzinas kautkadai dziesmai.... :D

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