Tā beidzot saņēmos utaisīt kādu rakstu. It's been a long time :D Gan jau, ka bildes liela daļa, ja ne visas redzētas un arī teksti zināmi, bet nu nekas. Enjoy :)
nekas par kaut ko.2

“Keep supporting music ‘cause there’s never going to be a day when music won’t support you!” /Hayley Williams/

I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.

Mazi bērni mīl daudz reižu stiprāk kā jebkurš pieaugušais, jo viņi nebaidās, īsti nezin kā ir kādu zaudēt, mīl no visas sirds.

Katrā no mums ir mazliet maza bērna naivuma un patiesuma.

Never regret anything you said or did because at some point, it was what you wanted

She's the girl that always has her phone in her hands,headphones in her ears and that one guy on her mind..

People say memories fade, but they don’t. I remember all the ones with you like they happened yesterday.

Suns ir tik uzticīgs, ka pat neticās, ka cilvēks būtu pelnījis tādu mīlestību.

When you’re around someone so much, for so long, they become a part of you. And when they change or go away, you don’t know who you are without them.

...nevar saprast, vai vairāk problēmu rodas tāpēc, ka klusējam, vai tāpēc, ka sakām, ko domājam?!?
Tev patiks šie raksti