
THE BEST things in my fife /hugz/4

18 0

Falling in love...pat neatceros, kad peedejo reizi biiju kaadaa riktiigi iemiileejusies.. :( :*

A hot shower...ahhh...:D

Getting mail...tas tieshaam iepriecina :D

Hearing your favorite song on the radio...taadaa situaacijaa vnk jaasaak dziedaat..:)

Lying in bed listening to the rain outside...no taas skanjas atkal aizmiedz... emotion

Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price...ja taa notiktu, es ganjau nolektu no praata..:))

Chocolate milkshake....njamy...:*

A long distance phone call...ja ir par ko runaat - jaaparunaa :D

A bubble bath...SPA...oh yeah...:D

Giggling....emotion ....

The beach...gribaas, gribaas vasarinju...:(

Laughing at yourself...es to daru katru dienu :D

Having someone tell you that you're beautiful...ahh, man taada nav :(

Friends...bez vinjiem - nekur :) /hugz/

Falling in love for the first time...labaak man to neatcereeties...omg..:D

Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you...hi hi hi...:D

Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep...diemzheel par sho es varu tikai pasapnjot...:(

Your first kiss...fail..FAIL..fail...:D

Making new friends or spending time with old ones....bučas! :*

Sweet dreams....man nav par ko sapnjot :(

Hot chocolate....yummy...:)

Swinging on swings....oh yeh bitch! Nesen biija, gribaas vel :D

Making eye contact with a cute stranger....koketeet labaak, bet shiis jau arii labs :D :*

Spending time with close friends!...akd, cik gribaas vnk papljaapaaties ar vinjiem visiem..! :(

Hugging the person you love..../hugz/...

Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problems...love you all, daargie :* /hugz/

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+iņš par centību. emotion

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you're beautiful

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