Falling in love...pat neatceros, kad peedejo reizi biiju kaadaa riktiigi iemiileejusies.. :( :*
A hot shower...ahhh...:D
Getting mail...tas tieshaam iepriecina :D
Hearing your favorite song on the radio...taadaa situaacijaa vnk jaasaak dziedaat..:)
Lying in bed listening to the rain outside...no taas skanjas atkal aizmiedz...
Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price...ja taa notiktu, es ganjau nolektu no praata..:))
Chocolate milkshake....njamy...:*
A long distance phone call...ja ir par ko runaat - jaaparunaa :D
A bubble bath...SPA...oh yeah...:D
Giggling.... ....
The beach...gribaas, gribaas vasarinju...:(
Laughing at yourself...es to daru katru dienu :D
Having someone tell you that you're beautiful...ahh, man taada nav :(
Friends...bez vinjiem - nekur :) /hugz/
Falling in love for the first time...labaak man to neatcereeties...omg..:D
Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you...hi hi hi...:D
Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep...diemzheel par sho es varu tikai pasapnjot...:(
Your first kiss...fail..FAIL..fail...:D
Making new friends or spending time with old ones....bučas! :*
Sweet dreams....man nav par ko sapnjot :(
Hot chocolate....yummy...:)
Swinging on swings....oh yeh bitch! Nesen biija, gribaas vel :D
Making eye contact with a cute stranger....koketeet labaak, bet shiis jau arii labs :D :*
Spending time with close friends!...akd, cik gribaas vnk papljaapaaties ar vinjiem visiem..! :(
Hugging the person you love..../hugz/...
Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problems...love you all, daargie :* /hugz/