

141 6
my "friend": Homosexual people are disgusting. They should understand that love can exist only between a man and a woman. me: Do you love your boyfriend? my "friend": Of course! I love him so much. You can't even imagine. I've never been so in love in my life. I want to marry him. me: So please imagine now that your boyfriend's penis disappears and suddenly he has a vagina. Nothing else changes in him, he's still the same person you know. What is your reaction? my "friend": That would be horrible. I don't want to even think about it. I couldn't imagine being with him. me: That means you don't love him. You love only his dick. That's sad.
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Komentāri 14


Yeah, you have tumblr. emotion

9 0 atbildēt

Ievads ir totally true.

5 0 atbildēt

Man gan liekas, ka ja es gribētu pateikt saviem tuviniekiem, ka esmu netradicionālās orientācijas, tad izmantotu šo tekstu. Un kamēr viņi būtu šokā no domām par draudzenēm pēkšņi izaugušiem krāniņiem, viņi varbūt mierīgāk uztvertu pašu coming out emotion

2 0 atbildēt

A link to it maybe? Your blog. 

1 0 atbildēt

Par ievadu - ja tev ir draudzene/draugs un viņam/ai mainītos tas kas ir tur lejā, tu paliktu kopā? Just saying..

0 0 atbildēt

i love tumblr

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Un tur bija kkas rakstīts par homoseksuāļiem?? Lasi...

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