
You know you're latvian when...7

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raxts gan ir anglu valodā, bet domāju, ka nevienam nav problēmas saprast šo... :)


*you've gotten drunk before you hit puberty

*you have a big ego

*you say you're just going to have one beer (zinu, cilvēkus kam ši ir visai ierasta fraaze )
*you have to fight the russians at your school

*you've celebrated John's day since you can remember (yeey, mums ir Džonu diena )
*you have the natural ability to play volleyball

*you love hockey (zelta vaardi )

*you do folk dancing on your free time

*you say "I'm Latvian, need I say more?"

*you switch your languages in a conversation

*you know what a burka is (atzīstamas zināšanas )

*you talk about people that are right there in another language (nemaz ar nee )

*you listen to brainstorm

*you're really hot (izcila atziņa )

*your parents would kill you if you married a russian

*you'd drink anything anywhere (nuuu nedomaaju gan taa )

*you wake up on saturdays, and ask yourself where the fuck you are ( a kam negadaas )

*you refuse to be the designated driver

*you go out wearing an all wool tautas terps and preform for other drunk Latvians (vins ir bijis Deju sveetkos???? )

*you know a guy named Janis (nu es personiigi tikai 26 Jāņus pazīstu )

*your grandparents are incredibly racist! (mees neesam rasisti, vnk muusu labaakie draugi ir baltie cilveeki )

22 0 7 Ziņot!
Ieteikt: 000
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Komentāri 7


You're really hot. :D

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tāds pašvaks latvietis es gadījies

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Džona diena ir Jāņi.

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nedaudz greiza loģika, bet lika dažas (hren viņu zin kā) atziņas pasmieties :)

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*you're really hot (izcila atziņa )

*you love hockey (zelta vaardi )

Es esmu latviete!

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*you're really hot  [ Paldies]

*you'd drink anything anywhere [ anytime ]


*you know a guy named Janis  [You know girl named anna, liga, ilze, diana, ore somthing else]

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*you do folk dancing on your free time   NĒ (es domāju, ka tādu nav nemaz tik daudz) *you listen to brainstorm  NĒ  (muzikālās gaumes atšķiras) *your parents would kill you if you married a russian NĒ  (ehh, katram sava izvēle)

*you know what a burka is (kāds arī nezin?) :D:D

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