
Mexican Jokes xD5

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Mexican Joke 01
A bunch of Mexicans are running down a hill, what is going on? A Prison Break.

Mexican Joke 02
Did you hear about that one Mexican that went to college? yeah.. me neither

Mexican Joke 03
Did you hear about the Mexican who threw his wife over a cliff? When the police officer asked him why he’d done it he said, “Tequila! Tequila!”

Mexican Joke 04
Did you hear about the winner of the Mexican beauty contest? Me neither.

Mexican Joke 05
How do you get 50 Mexicans is a phone booth? Throw food stamps in it.

Mexican Joke 06
How Do You Starve A Mexican? Put Their Food Stamps In Their Work Boots.

Mexican Joke 07
How do you stop a Mexican from robbing your house? put up a help-wanted sign

Mexican Joke 08
How do you stop a Mexican tank? Shoot the guy pushing it.

Mexican Joke 09
How many Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? Doesn’t matter, they’re to short to reach the socket.

Mexican Joke 10
Juan, Carlos and Antonio all jump off a cliff to see who will hit the ground first. who wins? Society.

Mexican Joke 11
What are the first 3 words in every Mexican cookbook? steal a chicken

Mexican Joke 12
What do Mexicans pick in the off season? Their nose.

Mexican Joke 13
What do you call 100 Mexicans working on a roof? Chingos

Mexican Joke 14
What do you call 4 Mexicans in quicksand? Cuatro Cinco

Mexican Joke 15
What do you call a Mexican driving a BMW? Grand Theft Auto.

Mexican Joke 16
What do you call a Mexican with a rubber toe? Roberto

Mexican Joke 17
What do you call a Mexican without a lawn mower? Unemployed.

Mexican Joke 18
What do you call a pool with a Mexican in it? Bean Dip.

Mexican Joke 19
What do you call Mexican basketball? Juan on Juan.

Mexican Joke 20
What do you do when a Mexican is riding a bike? Chase after him, it’s probably yours!

Mexican Joke 21
What do you get when you cross a Mexican with an octopus? I don’t know but it could pick lettuce good.

Mexican Joke 22
What is it when a Mexican is taking a shower? A miracle.

Mexican Joke 23
What is the greatest Mexican invention? A solar powered flash light.

Mexican Joke 24
What kind of cans are there in Mexico? Mexicans.

Mexican Joke 25
What were the 2 Mexican Firefighting Brother’s names? Hose A and Hose B

Mexican Joke 26
What’s the difference between a bench and a Mexican? A bench can support a family

Mexican Joke 27
Why are Mexicans so short? They all live in basement apartments.

Mexican Joke 28
Why are Mexicans so short? When they’re young, their parents say, “When you get bigger you have to get a good job.”

Mexican Joke 29
Why can’t Mexicans be firemen? They can’t tell the difference between Jose and hose b

Mexican Joke 30
Why do Mexicans drive low riders? They are too short to get into any other type of car.

Mexican Joke 31
Why do Mexicans re-fry their beans? Have you seen a Mexican do anything right the first time?

Mexican Joke 32
Why doesn’t Mexico have an Olympic team? Any Mexican that can run jump or swim is in the US!

Mexican Joke 33
Why don’t Mexicans BBQ? The beans fall through the little holes.

Mexican Joke 34
Why wasn’t Jesus born in Mexico? He couldn’t find 3 wise men or a virgin.

Mexican Joke 35
Aimara, a Mexican maid announced to her Boss Mr Blanco and his wife that she was quitting. When asked why, she replied, “I’m in the family way.”

The wife was totally surprised and shocked, and asked who it was.

The maid replied, “Your husband and your son.”

Mrs Blanco was mortified and demanded an explanation.

“Well,” Aimara explained, “I go to the library to clean it and your husband say, ‘You are in the way’. I go to the living room to clean and your son say ‘You are in my way’. So I’m in the family way and I quit.”

Mexican Joke 36
A big tough Mexican man married a good-looking Mexican lady and after the wedding, laid down the following rules:

“Honey, I’ll be home when I want, if I want and at what time I want – and I don’t expect any hassle from you. I expect a great dinner to be on the table unless I tell you otherwise. I’ll go hunting, fishing, boozing, and card-playing when I want with my old buddies and don’t you give me a hard time about it.

Those are my rules! Any comments?”

His lovely new bride said, “No, that’s fine with me. Just understand that there’ll be sex here at eight o’clock every night – whether you’re here or not.

P.S Es nepartulkoju , jo  savadak neizklausitos tik recigi..

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