
Levi Boree’s LinkedIn māksla.6

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Levi Boree’s LinkedIn summary states “I just want to be remembered, when I am gone”.

The 26-year-old abstract artist from Jacksonville, Florida grew up with dyslexia, making it difficult for him to communicate with words; instead he developed a great love for creating art.

He says, “I can visualize things in my mind that I could never explain in words”. Most remarkable is the fact that Boree is entirely self-taught, with no formal art training.

Boree creates mind-blowing abstract visual and digital art. He is prolific, having produced hundreds of psychedelic and color-rich creations from his highly visual imagination. Some are juxtapositions of photographs on psychedelic backgrounds, while others are entirely abstract creations. Boree’s art blends graffiti, ocean waves, and connective patterns with an expert use of color. Here are some of his outstanding works…


Neliels paskaidrojums: Levi Boree’s LinkedIn tikai negrib būt aizmirsts. 26 gadus vecais mākslinieks no Džeksonvilla (Floridā) uzaudzis, būdams slims ar disleksiju [sindroms, kad tā īpašniekam lasīšanas un/vai rakstīšanas spējas ir zemākā līmenī nekā varētu gaidīt pēc viņa intelektuālā līmeņa].Tieši sīs slimības dēļ viņš atklāja lielu mīlestību mākslai. Viņs saka: "Es varu vizualizēt lietas, kuras ir manā galvā, bet kuras es nekad nespētu izskaidrot ar vārdiem." Šos darbus viņš veido, balstoties uz to, ko apguvis pašmācības ceļā:

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12. Baigi iepatikās :)

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6. ir gjeniaala.

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Man patīk :)

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i n t e r e s t i n g

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tiešām psihodēlika sit augstu vilni ))


mājās šādas sienas un miera nebūs tur nekad. :D

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