"Hello Mrs / Ms I am sir marco antonio cortes Monteagudo Salvadoreño nationality and I live in ivory coast. I have little to say about me except that I am widowed for 9 years with 3 children which I am in ivory coast I am an engineer, I have a lot of investment in that country. I saw your house on the net and I'm very interested then send me all the following information: (statements, final prices and a recent photo). I'm looking for a reliable seller, honest and serieux.Sur those, I counting on your willingness to share them. For more information, please contact me at this numbers: (00225) 46 71 24 53 Know that I am very interested in your home and your country because it is the choice of my children and I find this place very very well for a better education of my adorable children."
sākām diskusiju, cilvēks ir gatavs maksāt un braukt uz Latviju iegādāt iegādāt īpašumu un pie tam solot labu priekšapmaksu, līdz pat 50% (ļoti aizdomīgi), tikai lieta ir tāda, ka lai viņš varētu pārskaitīt to naudu ir nepieciešams pārskaitīt uz kaut kurieni, kaut kādu konkrētu naudas summu, jo tanī valstī esot tādi likumi un tur neko nevarot padarīt. es ar viņu diskutēju par šīm lietām, te būs visa sarakste:
Objet: Re: Pirkuma Rekvizīti/Purchase Requisition À: Date: Jeudi 2 Juillet 2009, 11h15 Hello, sir Marco Antonio, as I`ve got a mail from You about my house I am selling, so I`m sending You details about this sell. It`s nice that you have kids, there are a lot of space were thay can play, 2772m2 of nice turf with apple, pear and and cherrie trees, and it`s inclosure from all sides, so it`s safe too. There are nice and quiet neighborship. And just a 1km to forest with small lake to take a walk.
About what i`m selling: Renovated house (2 floors, 4 rooms, large kitchen and corridor), a good cellar, near the city center (10min on foot). Boiler, garden (conservatory and canopy), oven heating (new furnaces), barn, water pump (good well - very good water). New roofing (Rannila) and the restored chimney. Facade with wood paneling, packet windows. A new wooden fence side of the street. Have a gravel car parking area (four cars). It is possible to connect inernet and telephony and satelite TV. Power supply 3 phases. House need little cosmetic renovation indoors and as facade is with wood paneling it needs to be repainted. For that nice house ar want 60000LVL or 85000Euro
So, if You are interested in this sell, please, contact me by e-mail or by GSM: 2934****
P.S. Photos
Mario Antonio :
good evening ok thank you my beautiful and well received your message. Your final price and the photos I agree fully. I'm very interested in purchasing your house and my children aussi.Pour the purchase of the house I expect and I hope you send a deposit of 50% of the house because I actuellemnt n'ais not yet finalized and all gather here and my children still go to school and will be librent until 10 July then we can come in Your Area 19 or July 21, the time to finalize ici.Cet deposit just to book the house before our arrival because it is very important to me and we took the rest settle before a notary and finalize this affaire.Pour sending this deposit account I send you this check by a bank or bank transfer So if your agreement or decision but be aware that this reservation is very important to us.
Objet: Re: Pirkuma Rekvizīti/Purchase Requisition À: "Mario Antonio" Date: Jeudi 2 Juillet 2009, 12h25 Hello again, I just can`t get, do You want to deposit caution money without seeing house, withot seeing interior? so, it`s OK with me if You send me 5% (4250euro) from price as caution money and I wont sell this house to enyone else till August 1 2009, but if You won`t come till that date or You arrive, but not buying house, I`m not returning You your 5% (4250euro) caution money. If it`s OK with You, just tell me what exactly You need from me.
And what about Treaty provisions?
Mario Antonio :
hello ok thank you I prefer you send a deposit of 5% for the reservation now because I am busy finalizing my business and bring them together in this country. then to send the deposit account I send a bank check or bank transfer. You will see the attached copy of my ID card. If you upon receipt of this email send me a copy of your ID card if it does not bother you. I need your answer quickly. thank you
Objet: Re: Pirkuma Rekvizīti/Purchase Requisition À: "Mario Antonio" Date: Jeudi 2 Juillet 2009, 13h06 Hello, i don`t think it`s good idea sending my ID to some (who i don`t know). I preffer bank transfer: MANI BANKAS REKVIZĪTI
Mario Antonio :
hello ok thank you as this is my first time to an international transfer from that moment then I will quickly contact my financial manager who is with my bank for it to load it very quickly and I wish you informed thank you
Objet: Re: Pirkuma Rekvizīti/Purchase Requisition À: "Mario Antonio" Date: Jeudi 2 Juillet 2009, 13h39 OK.. i`m curious, why Latvia.. what You know about this place? Have You been looking for a house there for a long time and were You found my house? Just curious, because it`s very strange that You are ready buy house You have never seen. I just want to know something about people with who I`m going to do business.
I hope You send me some info I want to know
Mario Antonio :
Hello I apologized for the delay to answer you. I was very important in communication with my manager on the case of transfer. He told me he was coming in contact with you. About my interest in your home I will avous that this was the choice of my children who have an interest to your country. They have chosen your country because it's a quiet environment is conducive for them and the climate of this country agree so perfectly .... After several searches for the sale of property in Latvia the choice of my children and I used on your home, because the photos we have seen the announcement we are perfect. thank you very sincerely
good evening I gave my order and my manager has agreed to do everything possible for this transaction takes place in the legalité.Then I decided to make an addition of € 200 on the money has done you so you had can quickly pay your share of tax of € 200 has control of this commission UEMOA conclusion therefore you lose nothing. Instead of transferring € 4250 you will now € 4250 € 200 which you do: 4450 € a book you on your account tomorrow morning. The first thing to acquit these taxes before the money is in your account is that my manager is my hand. thank you for your understanding I know all this because I am very very interested in your house and now we have begun the steps to pay our tickets."
pa vidu vēl bija vairāku e-pastu sūtīšana ar, it kā, viņa grāmatvedi:
5 rue des brewers Treichville Abidjan (Republic of ivory coast)
To Mr.ES In response to your e-mail to Mr. MARCO ANTONIO CORTES MONTEAGUDO my customer, I come by this E-mail sent by my client and these calls since the day yesterday over a transfer, to inform you that it is willing to buy your home. In my capacity as fund manager of Mr. MARIO ANTONIO 5 rue the Brewers Treichville Abidjan (Republic of ivory coast) have all the information relating to the transfer abroad. It is essential that you inform both parties to know Mr.MARCO ANTONIO CORTES MONTEAGUDO my client and you Mr.ES DECISION No. 12/2005/CM/UEMOA amending Decision No. 01/2008/CM/UEMOA OF 5 JULY OF 2004 ON THE LIST OF PERSONS, AGENCIES OR ORGANIZATIONS CONSIDERED BY THE FREEZING OF FUNDS AND OTHER FINANCIAL RESOURCES IN THE CONTEXT OF FIGHT AGAINST THE FINANCING OF TERRORISM IN THE MEMBER STATES OF THE ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION WEST AFRICAINE (UEMOA). The Audit Board on all financial flows of our economy, namely the UEMOA (Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa) ensure all transactions out of his area to prevent the financing of conflicts, arms trafficking, drugs and money laundering. The communication of the Council of Ministers of the Economic and Monetary Union West Africa (UEMOA) states the need for all such transfers in excess of 1.000 € requires payment of a tax. Indeed, any international transfer faces the performer and the recipient. You should respectively pay the sum of 620€ (Mr. MARCO ANTONIO CORTES MONTEAGUDO) and the sum of 200€ for the recipient that you are. Mr. MARCO ANTONIO CORTES MONTEAGUDO had served to facilitate the transfer, he was prepared to add the amount of your tax on the price of deposit of the house you pass by taking a total transfer of (5%) 4250€ +200€ = 4450€ (the price of deposit of the house + your share of taxes you pay to the Audit UEMOA ) since each of the parties (ie, you and Mr. MARCO ANTONIO CORTES MONTEAGUDO) will pay the tax you back respectively. The fee you pay is a tax free movement of CURRENCY outside the UEMOA. It is essential that you pay this tax so that the transfer is allowed out of its economic space. The beneficiary's account could not be credited if the transfer is not allowed to leave our economic space, I would like to know if you're willing to pay this tax when you received the documents from the establishment of the bank Mr. MARCO ANTONIO CORTES MONTEAGUDO which certify the accuracy of the transfer. To say thank you to Mr. MARCO ANTONIO CORTES MONTEAGUDO, if you're willing to conclude the sale so that the transaction is effective as soon as possible. For the payment of taxes, you are contacted by the transfer control of the UEMOA. While waiting to complete his transfer as soon as possible. Please accept on behalf of the Financial Community Manager Mr. MARCO ANTONIO CORTES high. I speak french very well and some English Here is my contact telephone
I have been very well received your message. Given that you're willing to pay your share of that fee is 200 € Let me explain how this will move this:
1 / When I will effect the transfer of ( € 4450) ((5%) 4250€ +200€ )(the price of deposit of the house + your share of taxes you pay to the Audit UEMOA ) to his bank, my client will send you a receipt by email and all other transfer documents that prove that I made the transfer.
2 - After the transfer, the Audit Board of the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa will block the transfer and send you an email for a notice of cessation of transfers that states that you must pay your tax in the moments following the transfer.
3 / I wish to inform you that payment of the tax free movement must be done by UN MANDATE OF TRANSFER EXPRESS. (western union)
4 - After this term, you must come into contact with the Control Commission of the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa by email for confirmation of transfer to unlock and release the deposit in your bank account
5 - I will inform you once again that the fee is in the moments that follow, ie, upon receiving the letter from the Audit of Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa ( UEMOA).
I inform you that it is strictly prohibited, the Audit Board of the UEMOA zone communicates the account number to individuals. Note that the account number of this institution is known as the Presidents of these countries in the UEMOA. Therefore, Mr. Marco Antonio is forced to adjust its fee of 620 € during the transfer to the commission control UEMOA. You have to make the mandate or the payment of this fee by following the instructions and on behalf of the Accountant of the committee which will be shown.
6- It is strongly prohibited by the commission to control UEMOA that Mr. Marco Antonio pay your tax or Mr.ES Adjust the fee Mr. Marco Antonio. Failing that you and Mr. Marco Antonio you will be put under arrest.
Thank you to answer me as soon as possible. Mr Mathieu LENOIRE"
Ideja ir sekojoša, Antonio ir gatavs iegādāties jūsu nekustamo īpašumu, un ir gatavs pārskaitīt jums līdz pat 50% no kopējās īpašuma vērtības (cenas). Bet ir tāda lieta, ka lai viņš varētu to izdarīt, sakarā ar valsts monitāro politiku, par starptautiskiem maksājumiem ir jāmaksā bargi nodokļi.. pie tam no abām pusēm, gan no maksājuma sūtītāja, gan no saņēmēja puses. It kā jau viss ir kārtībā, jo jūsu nodokļa daļu viņš pat solās atmaksāt. Tomēr jūs visu maksājumu varēsiet saņemt tikai tad, kad būsiet pārskaitījis savu nodokļu maksājuma daļu. Mūsu diskusijas vidū, viņš it kā piesaistīja savu grāmtvedi, jo tas esot tas, kurš kārto naudas lietas. Sūtot savus e-pastus viņi pat pievienoja ID un pasu kopijas (vai nu viltotas vai zagtas). Ticamības moments vājš, bet nenoliegšu, ka cilvēkam kurš vēlas pārdot īpašumu, tas varētu liktie ļoti pat vilinošs.
Pārbaudīju caur google viņu vārdus un uzvārdus, neko neatklāju. Tad vēlāk pārbaudīju viņu e-pastus un atklājās, ka tas ir starptautisks globālā tīmekļa krāpnieks.
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Sarakstoties ar šo nelieti man jau no paša sākuma bija skaidrs, ka lieta nav tīra, tādēļ spēlēju viņam līdzi. Galvenais - kaut ko pārdodot ir jāuzsver tas, ka jums nekādi maksajumi nav jāveic. Ja nauda tiek parskaitīta no ārvalstīm, tad bankas automātiski atvelk savu % par transakciju, konversiju utt.