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Karaliskās kāzas.37

214 15

Dažas bildes no Karaliskajām kāzām. Un nu jau pēc dažām minūtēm viņi iznāks uz balkona un sniegs publisku skulpstu !!!

It's official! 1/2 of the British Princes is off the market! Catherine Middleton married Prince William at West Minister Abbey earlier this Friday. The bride wore a lace Alexander McQueen wedding gown designed by Sarah Burton which is rumored to be worth up to $100 000 and a full veil made of ivory silk tulle held in place with a 'halo' tiara, which was made by famed jewelers Cartier in 1936. 2 billion viewers watched the ceremony from across the world and 1,900 guests were invited to watch the ceremony in person. Outside the abbey an estimated one million excited Londoners gathered on the streets to participate in the celebrations. The 50 minute long ceremony was a very traditional one with classic wedding music and while William chose his little brother Harry to be his best man, Catherine chose her little sister Phillippa Middleton to be her maid of honor. After the ceremony was complete the newlyweds went in a open-top horse drawn carriage across the streets of London where they were met by excessive amounts of well wishes and cheers! Later this evening, a more private celebration will take place at Buckingham Palace with an approximate number of 650 family members and friends. Piedodiet ka angliski!!!

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56. :D Hah, sito redzeju :D

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... vispār jau Konstitucionāla monarhija

0 0 atbildēt

Redzēju, likās garlaicīgi, kamēr visi nodzied.. :D 

0 0 atbildēt

Visu šito tak pa tv visiem kanaliem vareja redzet prekskam likt?

0 2 atbildēt

Mani fascionē cilvēku noulaifīgums.  Pa to laiku kāmēr var pavadīt laiku ar tuviem cilvēkiem, kāds vnk blenž pa TV kā kāds precās.  Tas pats jau ar slavenībām u.t.t. 

1 3 atbildēt

Reāli pohuj

2 5 atbildēt

kada  jega no tiem karaliem un hercogiem ja muzdienas viss shis feodalisms un karala vara vispar gandriz nepastav un tai nav nekadas aktualitates?!

3 7 atbildēt
MJ avatarsMJ

Stulbums!!! tad jau Bredu pitu par princi un andželīnu par princesi!! vai lopezu! :D ibio!!!

1 6 atbildēt

Ceru, ka abi naktī drāžoties noliks karoti. Visa šita tizlā ažiotāža ap NEKO ir vnk tracinoša. 

2 8 atbildēt