Ir iespēja SCS Software palīdzēt pārtūlkot Scania Truck Driving Simulator spēli.
Es pārtūlkoju kādas 3 lapas latviski un par to es dabuju spēli par velti:)
Jums šeit vaig tikai piereģistrēties un viss.
Nezinu vai spēli vēl dos par velti. Uz manu E-pastu atnāca šāda vēstule
Dear friends,
We would like to express our gratitude to the most active participants in the Scania Truck Driving Simulator community translation effort.
Your hard work has helped us bring the game closer to our fans across the globe, thanks!
Some of the languages still need more work, and we can only hope that your effort will be an inspiration for more translators to come and join us to perfect the quality of the localization as the game is available to the masses, while we keep on improving and extending the game with additional content in future patches.
Unfortunately our technology has its limitations, and we are not yet able to support some of the languages that you have worked on. It's not easy to add this support in full, but your volunteering is a strong reminder for us to not forget about this weakness and think about how to overcome it.
Please find below the free activation "Product Key" to unlock the full features of the digitally distributed version of the game for free, without having to pay, and to register for the Online Leaderboards on the official website at
Download the game from the game's website at
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