
he is my new hero7

27 2

George Carlin ( 1937-2008 ) - Mans jaunais varonis. Nopietni.

We’re so self-important. So self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. What? Are these fucking people kidding me? Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. We haven’t learned how to care for one another, we’re gonna save the fucking planet?

The planet is fine. The PEOPLE are fucked. Difference. Difference. The planet is fine. The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE ARE! emotion

27 2 7 Ziņot!
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ahhhh mīlu viņu <3

Man vis labāk patika tas par sun worshiper, pievieno to ar' ;)

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Nau daudz ko piebilst - visu laiku labākais komiķis.

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Who are you people and where is my horse? :D

Pie favorītiem, protams!

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video neskatījos, bet tas rakstītais ir tīrākā taisnība, kad tu padomā iedziļinoties

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pirmo reiiz tadu cali redzu .. baigi labais .. un taisnibu vien saka =D

reli labs ..pieliksu pie favoritiem

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šitais dzeks ir labais :D zinu ak vins ari ir filmejies daudzas komedijas :D Ka piemeram Jay And Silent Bob; Strike back un viena no šausmenites dalam ka tas calis kurs sedeja bakas torni un skatijas tajos telukos :D

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