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Interesantas mājaslapas, kad nav ko darīt.96

1296 26

Sveiki spocēni!

Šodien braucot no skolas mājās atkal sadzirdēju kādu sīču sarunu par to, ka viens nav aizgājis uz skolu tapēc, kad šodien tā sauktajā ''mainkraftā'' esot bijušas kautkādas ģelas. Nesaprotu, cik mūsdienu jaunatne tālu var krist. Vieni aiz stūra smēķē, otri dzer.
Bet labi, tēma, par ko šodien rakstīšu ir cita. Tātad iedomājos uzrakstīt rakstiņu, par manuprāt interesantām, vai jocīgām mājaslapām, ar kurām viegli var nosist laiku, ja garlaikojies. Nu tad sākšu.

1296 26 96 Ziņot!
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Komentāri 96


14 ir peiminēti spoki.lv, gan jau pats taisīji dažas lapas!

58 8 atbildēt

es ari 1995. un tur bija spoki.lv pieminēti!

27 0 atbildēt

Do you want to talk about lizards?

20 0 atbildēt

You: Who made the world God: Konrad Zuse. :-)

You: When I will die? God: All men are mortal.

You: really? :) God: For real.I'm happy you're amused.

You: Do you sleep? God: Yes I love to take naps

You: What is like in haven? God: Much the same as in haven would be for you.

You: Do you have enemies? God: I have some competitors.

You: Do you like Britney Spears? God: Ugh. Not especially. I like Heaven's Band.

You: What are they? God: I forgot what we were talking about.

You: About Britney Spears! God: Oh yeah, we were talking about Britney Spears

You: So do you like here? God: So what? Someone said they like guns. I like .

You: WTF? Really? God: That was not very polite.For real.

You: Do you belive in hell? God: Jacksonville, Florida.

You: Is Elvis Presley with you? God: No but he can sing better than I can.

You: Where is he? God: I think he is in California now.

You: But he is dead! God: Umm. Maybe it's another person using his name.

You: Is in haven hot babes? God: Better not tell you now. Ask John Lennon if it is.

You: Ok, bye! God: Until next time Jackass.

19 0 atbildēt

ES dievam pajautāju : How old is you? Un viņš: 39 emotion

14 4 atbildēt

There's a kid outside, shouting, playing. It doesn't care about time. It doesn't know about time. It shouts and it plays and thinks time is forever. You were once that kid.

9 0 atbildēt

6. go inside you deeper  DEEPER DEEPER

liels plus no manis

8 0 atbildēt


8 1 atbildēt

stulbums! tas dievs man prasija kapēc esmu esmu meitene xD es apmulsu emotion emotion

6 0 atbildēt

Pie favorītiem! :)

5 0 atbildēt

Dažas interesantas ,dažas galīgi tupas ! emotionemotionemotion

4 0 atbildēt

Vienkārši izlasat! emotion


God: Hello Rajnikanth! What would you like to talk about?

You: I want talk about me.

God: Why do you want talk about me?

You: Oh god! I want to talk about me!

God: Tell me more.That's my favorite subject :-)

You: OK. How old are you? I`m 11.

God: Ah.I was born many many years ago, but I just got connected to the Internet this year. Oh, you were born in the 20th century!   You: No, I`m not.   God: I see. What are you then?   You: I`m a girl.

God: Me too. I am a female robot. 

You: No, you are male, aren`t you?

God: "I am a female robot"? Not? I am God. I'm watching over you.

You: Seryous?

God: Do you want to continue talking about Lizards?

You: What is Lizards?

God: Great! What kinds of lizards do you like?

You: No, no no! What is a Lizards?

God: That was not a yes or no question.Great! What kinds of lizards do you like?


God: Great! What kinds of lizards do you like?Do you want to continue talking about Lizards?

You: No, I don`t!

God: Do you want to continue talking about Lizards? Do you mind if I tell other people: said dont.

God: What are you wearing?

You: A dress

God: Actually that was just a joke.

You: Are you fucking kiding me?

God: Can't you please be more polite?

You: Hello to the 21th!  

God: Hello there !

You: Godbye!

God: Do you want to continue talking about Lizards?


Un tālāk man vienkārši apnika runāt. emotion

4 1 atbildēt

Sintija: Woman God: Me too. I am a female robot.


3 0 atbildēt

1. Kkā pēc komentiem ar sevi neiznāks tajā saitā parunāt.

3 0 atbildēt

Pačatoju ar dievu , uzzināju visu , ko gribēju zināt 


You: Can you say es esmu gejs? God: Of course I can say it. "es esmu gejs"


You: Really you said that?


God: For real. ""? I said .


You: Thank you 


God: you are quite welcome. 

4 2 atbildēt
Que avatarsQue

You: can you puke rainbows? God: Let me think. Do you want to continue talking about Lizards?

2 0 atbildēt

16. mani vienīgais sasmidināja, un tā pamatīgi :D

2 0 atbildēt

 emotion +

1 0 atbildēt

Ja nu ta majaslapa laba, nemot verā ka orģinali 11 gads tagad 16 ta majaslapa man rāda šodienas datumu <3 labs miršu tagad...

1 0 atbildēt
IInteresanti..........dievam uzdevu dažus jautajumus bet vins man diezgan nepilnvertigi atbildeja.
1 0 atbildēt
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