
Zelta Audi10

60 13

Here is an Audi R8 wrapped in gold car wrap, and we have seen plenty of these wraps making their way onto modified cars lately. The Nissan GT-R wrapped in chrome, white, and matte black was a hit previously, but now it seems like we have people wrapping cars in anything they can find. So what’s hotter than your typical matte white or black car wrap? Well, some owners would probably consider the rich color of gold like this owner did, when this Audi R8 was seen in Moscow, Russia. But, they aren’t the first. Some gold cars already out there include the gold Ferrari Enzo, a gold Bugatti Veyron, and a gold Hamann Ferrari 599 GTB. Just don’t mistake this car wrap for real gold, since one gold Porsche was stolen in Moscow because the thieves probably thought it was worth much more.

Aside from the car wrap, from the factory the Audi R8 holds a mid-mounted V8 FSI engine, quattro permanent four-wheel drive, and an Audi Space Frame aluminum body all delivering a total of 420 horsepower. At the track the Audi R8 is no slouch, sprinting from 0 to 60 mph in 4.5 seconds and reaching a top speed of 187 mph. There definitely will be more wrapped cars in the future, so if it’s your thing, stay tuned.

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taa jau nav no iista zelta krāsota, prosta uzlīmēts

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man nebij slinkums - ielikt ;)

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Iiedomajies cik tas vis izmaksaajis kadamemotion

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Māku lasīt angliski,bet tagad kautkā negribas.emotion


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That looks FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!

P.S. Interesanti, kā izskatītos tā Kāds Lambo vai Rolce Royce Phantom emotion

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Ja esi redzējios iģāku tad nenozīmē, ka tu viņu pazīsti + vieglāk bija paskatīties mašīnai nummuru un pateikt no kurienes vinsh ir! 

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būtu iztulkots, būtu + emotion

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Audi kakas!

BMW un ja vēl x5, ta vispār fuck yeah !

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